It does look amazing, but so many games do!
Okami looks like horse shit. Throwing a photoshop filter over an image does not make something "arty".
And I disagree about distinguishing art design from "graphics" as the former makes the latter. Creative use of less tools at hand can certainly produce a better end product than an amateur with endless tools. The end product of their work is a "graphic", if we are to use that word.
That pretty much should put the debate of graphics vs art style to rest. I think Okami looks amazing. You think it looks like crap. From a technical standpoint it's outdated and eventually, every game will be outdated. Hell, realistic games suffer the most from that as the more games become visually realistic, the less impressive the older games will look whereas cartoony games graphics don't get old(Wind Waker). Tesselation, resolution, polygon counts, aliasing, texture mapping, SSS, AF etc. These should absolutely be distinguished from artwork which is purely opinion-based. That might be just me though.
Cows let them be. They think having 10 more polygons on main characters face for cutscenes beats the infinitely better realtime lighting and physics model of Crysis 2/3. Such a shame no game on 900pStation came even close to a game released in 2011.
Simply put, no game on console will ever compare to Crysis 3 on PC. Enthusiast hardware from 2013 will always crush mid-range hardware from 2012(console's hardware).
I don't understand why console gamers have such a fascination at beating PC graphics, that's not what consoles are here for. They're here for convenience, price and exclusive franchises. People should simply stop comparing console graphics to PC graphics. It's tiring and frankly pointless.
For example, the original Crysis released in 2007 looks better than anything released on PS3/360. Only games that could be debatable are TLOU and Uncharted 3 and it's mostly due to arguably superior animation but aside from that, they get crapped on by Crysis. What makes you think a game made to take advantage of 2013 top of the line hardware will be beaten by game limited to mid-range 2012 hardware?
Why are PC gamers so insecure? I think everyone knows that if you spend a lot on your PC it's going to exceed the graphics on lower range PCs and consoles. So what?
Simply put, no game on console will ever compare to Crysis 3 on PC. Enthusiast hardware from 2013 will always crush mid-range hardware from 2012(console's hardware).
I don't understand why console gamers have such a fascination at beating PC graphics, that's not what consoles are here for. They're here for convenience, price and exclusive franchises. People should simply stop comparing console graphics to PC graphics. It's tiring and frankly pointless.
For example, the original Crysis released in 2007 looks better than anything released on PS3/360. Only games that could be debatable are TLOU and Uncharted 3 and it's mostly due to arguably superior animation but aside from that, they get crapped on by Crysis. What makes you think a game made to take advantage of 2013 top of the line hardware will be beaten by game limited to mid-range 2012 hardware?
Why are PC gamers so insecure? I think everyone knows that if you spend a lot on your PC it's going to exceed the graphics on lower range PCs and consoles. So what?
Then you haven't seen some of the threads that pop up around here
Even though DriveClub has lighting far beyond Crysis 3 and actually puts real time GI to use with different weather conditions and times of day? What's the use of using all that GPU power for real time GI if you don't get to see the benefits in action? Wouldn't a static GI have suited the scripted conditions better? It's all proof that Crytek wanted to be as inefficient as possible with the game and try and justify a 360 port taking so much power by adding unnececarry shit, like rendering tessellated water underneath the map to make people think they are playing a demanding game.
But hey, I'd like you to show me an example of real time GI in Crysis 2 or 3 that has as realistic or plausable results as DriveClub. And the chances are DriveClub is rendering more polys to screen at once.
I usually find it is more appropriate to compare racing games to other racing games. The GI in racers tends to be much more apparent because the fact that it's made much more noticeable on metallic surfaces.
As shown here.
Drive Club has indeed far more impressive weather effects(Crytek didn't put any focus on that) but overall Crysis is far better looking on PC at Very High with better textures, foliage, tesselation, post-processing among other things. Drive Club has better weather effects and arguably better GI(if we can even compare them directly). I find a more appropriate comparison would be Crysis 3 vs Killzone SF.
Again Crysis 3 is very efficient at using assets. It runs and looks great on sub-par hardware, uses hyperhtreading and scales extremely well with cores. It also uses RAM very efficiently even with 8X MSAA applied and is overall one of the better optimized games of 2013. Don't know where you get your facts from.
Okami looks like horse shit. Throwing a photoshop filter over an image does not make something "arty".
And I disagree about distinguishing art design from "graphics" as the former makes the latter. Creative use of less tools at hand can certainly produce a better end product than an amateur with endless tools. The end product of their work is a "graphic", if we are to use that word.
That pretty much should put the debate of graphics vs art style to rest. I think Okami looks amazing. You think it looks like crap. From a technical standpoint it's outdated and eventually, every game will be outdated. Hell, realistic games suffer the most from that as the more games become visually realistic, the less impressive the older games will look whereas cartoony games graphics don't get old(Wind Waker). Tesselation, resolution, polygon counts, aliasing, texture mapping, SSS, AF etc. These should absolutely be distinguished from artwork which is purely opinion-based. That might be just me though.
Cows let them be. They think having 10 more polygons on main characters face for cutscenes beats the infinitely better realtime lighting and physics model of Crysis 2/3. Such a shame no game on 900pStation came even close to a game released in 2011.
Even though DriveClub has lighting far beyond Crysis 3 and actually puts real time GI to use with different weather conditions and times of day? What's the use of using all that GPU power for real time GI if you don't get to see the benefits in action? Wouldn't a static GI have suited the scripted conditions better? It's all proof that Crytek wanted to be as inefficient as possible with the game and try and justify a 360 port taking so much power by adding unnececarry shit, like rendering tessellated water underneath the map to make people think they are playing a demanding game.
But hey, I'd like you to show me an example of real time GI in Crysis 2 or 3 that has as realistic or plausable results as DriveClub. And the chances are DriveClub is rendering more polys to screen at once.
Only idiots think DClighting has anything over Crysis 3. DC GI doesn't even cast shadows, LEL. And again tell me how many objects this GI is acting on? How many bounces of the Gi? DC has nothing over Crysis 3 lighting model. Each and every damn light source produces shadows and all objects are effected by it unlike the 1 object DC game with a linear path with no shadows from GI. Another prrof you don't know jack about CryEngine's lighting and as soon as you heard your Sony game has a GI you started jumping up and down.
Show me a game on 900pStation where water reacts to object as it does in Crysis 2. Throw a rock or a basket in Crysis 2 water and try to emulate that effect on any of your pathetic 900pStation game. Mind you Crysis 2 does it all in realtime unlike the pre-baked physics. This forum have a gif of that effect may be someone can share it. Give me any 990pStation released or even upcoming game that has anything remotely over it.
Next...Crysis 3's foliage.....yeah, get me a better looking foliage that's dynamically effected by wind and fog and volumetric lighting all in realtime. 990pStation will have nothing over Crysis 3 technically, anyone that believes otherwise is a tool or a sony drone.
Okami looks like horse shit. Throwing a photoshop filter over an image does not make something "arty".
And I disagree about distinguishing art design from "graphics" as the former makes the latter. Creative use of less tools at hand can certainly produce a better end product than an amateur with endless tools. The end product of their work is a "graphic", if we are to use that word.
That pretty much should put the debate of graphics vs art style to rest. I think Okami looks amazing. You think it looks like crap. From a technical standpoint it's outdated and eventually, every game will be outdated. Hell, realistic games suffer the most from that as the more games become visually realistic, the less impressive the older games will look whereas cartoony games graphics don't get old(Wind Waker). Tesselation, resolution, polygon counts, aliasing, texture mapping, SSS, AF etc. These should absolutely be distinguished from artwork which is purely opinion-based. That might be just me though.
Cows let them be. They think having 10 more polygons on main characters face for cutscenes beats the infinitely better realtime lighting and physics model of Crysis 2/3. Such a shame no game on 900pStation came even close to a game released in 2011.
Even though DriveClub has lighting far beyond Crysis 3 and actually puts real time GI to use with different weather conditions and times of day? What's the use of using all that GPU power for real time GI if you don't get to see the benefits in action? Wouldn't a static GI have suited the scripted conditions better? It's all proof that Crytek wanted to be as inefficient as possible with the game and try and justify a 360 port taking so much power by adding unnececarry shit, like rendering tessellated water underneath the map to make people think they are playing a demanding game.
But hey, I'd like you to show me an example of real time GI in Crysis 2 or 3 that has as realistic or plausable results as DriveClub. And the chances are DriveClub is rendering more polys to screen at once.
Only idiots think DClighting has anything over Crysis 3. DC GI doesn't even cast shadows, LEL. And again tell me how many objects this GI is acting on? How many bounces of the Gi? DC has nothing over Crysis 3 lighting model. Each and every damn light source produces shadows and all objects are effected by it unlike the 1 object DC game with a linear path with no shadows from GI. Another prrof you don't know jack about CryEngine's lighting and as soon as you heard your Sony game has a GI you started jumping up and down.
Show me a game on 900pStation where water reacts to object as it does in Crysis 2. Throw a rock or a basket in Crysis 2 water and try to emulate that effect on any of your pathetic 900pStation game. Mind you Crysis 2 does it all in realtime unlike the pre-baked physics. This forum have a gif of that effect may be someone can share it. Give me any 990pStation released or even upcoming game that has anything remotely over it.
Next...Crysis 3's foliage.....yeah, get me a better looking foliage that's dynamically effected by wind and fog and volumetric lighting all in realtime. 990pStation will have nothing over Crysis 3 technically, anyone that believes otherwise is a tool or a sony drone.
All PS4 games have GI, but none had real time GI until DriveClub. Just accept that DriveClub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crysis 3 lighting and GI. Where did you hear that it doesn't cast shadows? Just pulled from your dick? Show me one single image of GI in effective use in Crysis 3. Go.
Hear it? I have seen it. Only the car models are effected by the GI from one source sun, that's it. All the foliage environment remains static as shit. No shadows nothing from GI. Cry somewhere else. That single track and once object GI has nothing over Crysis 3. Keep on crying. LEL one Sony game start using GI and cows start loosing their shit. TADA....we have this shit since 2011 and have a better version of it.
No wonder this gen only Sony is pulling crap of increased poly counts since they know in all areas PC already fucked their consoles 10 times over. So they started this new marketing crap of higher poly character models and as always cows eat their shit up.
My toaster can run DC but 900pStation can't run C3 as proven by DF.
All PS4 games have GI, but none had real time GI until DriveClub. Just accept that DriveClub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crysis 3 lighting and GI. Where did you hear that it doesn't cast shadows? Just pulled from your dick? Show me one single image of GI in effective use in Crysis 3. Go.
Hear it? I have seen it. Only the car models are effected by the GI from one source sun, that's it. All the foliage environment remains static as shit. No shadows nothing from GI. Cry somewhere else. That single track and once object GI has nothing over Crysis 3. Keep on crying. LEL one Sony game start using GI and cows start loosing their shit. TADA....we have this shit since 2011 and have a better version of it.
No wonder this gen only Sony is pulling crap of increased poly counts since they know in all areas PC already fucked their consoles 10 times over. So they started this new marketing crap of higher poly character models and as always cows eat their shit up.
My toaster can run DC but 900pStation can't run C3 as proven by DF.
Show me proof via screenshots that Crysis 3 is this graphical elite with all the shit you say it has. Something that makes it's lighting more natural or real than Ryse for instance. You really can't.
Go to google, type Crysis 3 in the search bar and press enter. Go to the images section.....TADA, there's your proof. Oh I'm sorry I forgot your are wearing your pink Sony goggles.
LMAO DC and Ryse has better lighting than C3.
All PS4 games have GI, but none had real time GI until DriveClub. Just accept that DriveClub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crysis 3 lighting and GI. Where did you hear that it doesn't cast shadows? Just pulled from your dick? Show me one single image of GI in effective use in Crysis 3. Go.
Hear it? I have seen it. Only the car models are effected by the GI from one source sun, that's it. All the foliage environment remains static as shit. No shadows nothing from GI. Cry somewhere else. That single track and once object GI has nothing over Crysis 3. Keep on crying. LEL one Sony game start using GI and cows start loosing their shit. TADA....we have this shit since 2011 and have a better version of it.
No wonder this gen only Sony is pulling crap of increased poly counts since they know in all areas PC already fucked their consoles 10 times over. So they started this new marketing crap of higher poly character models and as always cows eat their shit up.
My toaster can run DC but 900pStation can't run C3 as proven by DF.
Show me proof via screenshots that Crysis 3 is this graphical elite with all the shit you say it has. Something that makes it's lighting more natural or real than Ryse for instance. You really can't.
Go to google, type Crysis 3 in the search bar and press enter. Go to the images section.....TADA, there's your proof. Oh I'm sorry I forgot your are wearing your pink Sony goggles.
LMAO DC and Ryse has better lighting than C3.
Do you believe in God?
Regardless of my belief the fact remains unchanged that C2/3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DC.
All PS4 games have GI, but none had real time GI until DriveClub. Just accept that DriveClub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crysis 3 lighting and GI. Where did you hear that it doesn't cast shadows? Just pulled from your dick? Show me one single image of GI in effective use in Crysis 3. Go.
Hear it? I have seen it. Only the car models are effected by the GI from one source sun, that's it. All the foliage environment remains static as shit. No shadows nothing from GI. Cry somewhere else. That single track and once object GI has nothing over Crysis 3. Keep on crying. LEL one Sony game start using GI and cows start loosing their shit. TADA....we have this shit since 2011 and have a better version of it.
No wonder this gen only Sony is pulling crap of increased poly counts since they know in all areas PC already fucked their consoles 10 times over. So they started this new marketing crap of higher poly character models and as always cows eat their shit up.
My toaster can run DC but 900pStation can't run C3 as proven by DF.
Show me proof via screenshots that Crysis 3 is this graphical elite with all the shit you say it has. Something that makes it's lighting more natural or real than Ryse for instance. You really can't.
Oh I'm sorry I forgot your are wearing your pink Sony goggles.
Actually we were conversing not too long ago. He too the stance of Ryse over The Order(or was it Uncharted 4?)
Anyways Driveclube demolishes Crysis. Just look at the final image. You mention static visuals yet somehow most people see it as the most lively, true to life game out there.
Show me proof via screenshots that Crysis 3 is this graphical elite with all the shit you say it has. Something that makes it's lighting more natural or real than Ryse for instance. You really can't.
Oh I'm sorry I forgot your are wearing your pink Sony goggles.
Actually we were conversing not too long ago. He too the stance of Ryse over The Order(or was it Uncharted 4?)
Anyways Driveclube demolishes Crysis. Just look at the final image. You mention static visuals yet somehow most people see it as the most lively, true to life game out there.
Are those most people cows? Yeah, pot me the gameplay pic of DC and show me any shadows casted from GI of environment prefabs. Go ahead. Why is it that in all of Dc screens cow posts there is always one car on the track? Please tell me how many prefabs are their in the DC and how many light sources act on it? Do that and I'll share the number of Crysis 3 then.
DC looks awesome, no doubt about that but any person claiming its lighting is above Crysis 3 is a Class A moron.
EDIT: Find me a gameplay pic of DC with such intricate environment shadows:
Everyone that has worked in CryEngine knows they are realtime and not baked like DC and mind you that screen is even before the foliage is added on.
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