Seriously people, Bring up some comparisons to your posts and not just saying "LOL no, Video Games are no where near movies."
I'm sorry I can't handle this, but I find some games on par with the story tellings of Movies like Saving Private Ryan, Independence Day, Forrest Gump, Toy Story, Never Ending Story, And Even The Lord of The Rings.
Remember Halo? Play all three games and go WOW that was amazing! Though I never played Halo 2 I remember feeling hyped about Halo 3 and it's tag line "FINISH THE FIGHT." it rings so true and it's probably one of the best trilogy's in all of gaming.
Since we're on topic of Video games and Movies what about popular movies that are based on Video Games? How does Resident Evil 5 compare to Resident Evil The Movie?
Silent Hill 2 vs Silent Hill Motion Picture? How can we possibly say that Grand Theft Auto 5's story is garbage to movies when Movies have Garbage like Troll 2?
This mentality just boggles my mind here on why Movies are somehow Magically BETTER than Video games SIMPLY because they are Movies.
Look at Never Ending Story and Shadow of the Colossus, Saving Private Ryan and Spec OPs the Line, The Land Before Time and Yoshi's Island, Any of the Star Trek Movies and the Mass Effect Trilogy.
I seriously can't tell you why people think Movies are somehow the better medium to Video Games when honestly Video games have been doing things that Movies have taken Years to perfect.
They use the same stuff they do in Movies for Video games and I bet NONE of you knew this, so why are Video Games somehow the lesser Medium to Movies again?
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