[QUOTE="theBeorn"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"][QUOTE="organic_machine"] Not just bots. PD had challenges, it had dozens of weapons, it had dozens of customizble matches. dude, halo sucks. halo always has sucked. shut up about halo. I would rather play PD with the lap top gun and tranquilizers with the hundreds of possibilties of bots then stupid halo with its lame sword and over powered shotgun. seriously, I can do SO much more in PD than Halo. Also, I would take PD over hlaf life 2. Yes, I said it. I am a hermit who hates all three next gen consoles and I just said I'd take PD over HL2. If you don't like it, go home.
Halo>>>>PD Single Player and Co-op.
Halo>>>>PD Muliplayer. Offers tons of gametypes, balanced weapons for the most part, Dual Wielding, Vehicles, Gun butting, Grenades with tagging, Assault gamemode, and Boarding vehicles. The Gameplay in MP is far more varied than anything in PD
Halo>>>>PD in controls. The N64 had horrible controls for a FPS shooting. Dual offset analog completely blows PD away in this area.
Halo is a just better game overall. Bots can't make up for the overall better gameplay mechanics of Halo's SP and MP modes.
and Finally, Half-Life 2 takes massive wet dumps on PD. You're entitled to your OPINION, but Im' quite sure more people would disagree with you.
yeah, the n00bs
truth is, PD did more for the gamers than any other game. halo just dropped some multiplayer levels and that's it, the options in PD were, quite frankly, endless.
What good are endless game types with bots if the core gameplay mechanics are inferior and crippled by it's controls?
Core gameplay mechanics are inferior??? You need to play PD first before claiming something like that...
Halo doesn't have the gameplay strategy of PD. The mess you can do with a thrown dragon, laptop gun, and many other weapons in PD is endless.
Anyone who played PD seriously know what I'm talking about.
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