Looking at the current state of things, it seems to me there will be less and less arguments for PC gaming in the near future.
First of all, most former PC exclusive franchises are going multi-plat and the console versions may have certain improvements over the PC versions.
Secondly, motion control gaming is on a roll and we can expect even more emphasis on it in the future.
Thirdly, graphics aren't the determining factor to sell games anymore.
We can only expect more multi-plat, motion control enabled games in the future.
All the "heavy-hitter" exclusives will be on the consoles, PC games mostly consisting of budget indie titles and niche sim/strategy games (which may eventually also make it over to the consoles).
The lower graphical capabilites and unique controllers will force the devs to innovate so the most innovating and groundbreaking titles will emerge on the consoles.
And with mobile gaming and possible entry of Apple in the gaming/home computer market and services like OnLive and consoles, PC gaming will have to adapt or go extinct.
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