It really depends on what games you like.
I'm disappointed that I got my 360 in 2007 because at that point I thought it's going to get many good exclusives, and there aren't any. It was a mistake getting the 360. If I waited longer, I wouldn't decide to get one.
You don't have to spend the money, you know. You can put the money in the bank and save it which is probably the smartest thing to do. Think about your future, the money could come handy one day - such as buying your first car or something. It would be nice to know that you have the money in your bank, and it's there for when you need it for something essential.
If you like shooting for your hobby (not killing guys, obviously :P), you could get a handgun.
In overall, my answer to your question would be 'No'.
I got my 360 just for Oblivion, well my parents did because I was a kid that time. Didn't get a PS3 until I became an adult and bought it on my own. But I want to checkout Witcher 2 more, I suppose I could upgrade my PC for it, but 360 has BC with some of older Xbox games I have and I could also do system link parties with it.
I already have an IRA (there is going to be NO social security when we get older) so I will be a millionare when I'm in my 40's. The consultant even told me that. But a million dollars probably won't be worth very much by then, but at least it's something :P
My roomate hates guns, so he doesn't feel comfortable with them. I have quite a few, but only two hand guns, this one would be a nice one to add. It has a good grip and I can modify the trigger from double action to single action (it's only double action on 1st shot, but single action is what I prefer entirely).
I shoot them for phsycial excercise, and I my great Uncle told me to always own a gun because when the Germans came for the Jews they banned the guns first so they could not defend themselves. He lost his much of his family in the holocaust, so it's still fresh in his mind. So I took the lesson to heart.
You were a kid at the time!?! Was this gen really this long?lol.Well I was in high school when the 360 came out, I think I was a sophmore or something. I graduated in 2008, got my PS3 in 2009.
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