So they just announced Fallout: New Vegas, AKA Fallout 4.
Thats great, because I friggin' loved Fallout 3. I put 60 hours into it, and loved every single one. Its probably the best game I've played in ages.
But really? They just announced Point Lookout, and all I can say is: WHAT THE FOOT.
There areFIVE different Fallout 3 DLC packages, listed below:
Operation Anchorage
The Pitt
Broken Steel
Point Lookout
Mothership Zeta
Thats five different things I have to download to get my full game. There is no excuse for that bullcrap. I know the first 2 cost 10 bucks a pop, and plus the base 60 you're paying, thats 80 bucks. Even if the other 3 were 5 bucks or hell, EVEN FREE, THATS STILL 80 DAMN DOLLARS.
Now they HAD to have most of this DLC already prepared when they released Fallout 3. How long did it take to release Operation Anchorage? Five minutes?
This is downright ridiculous. Some of this should've been included in the retail, don't you people agree?
im not sure i really need to say anything seeing as you already did (bolded).
these kinds of downloads aren't equivalent to horse armour.
these downloads are expansions and seeing as how robust the original game was, i don't see why they shouldnt charge for it.
would you rather they didnt make more content for the game? thats weird.
Thats not what I meant. I've bought DLC before. But 10 bucks a pop over 5 expansions within the course of 8 months after the original release, then turning right around and announcing a 60 dollar Collectors Edition with 5 add-ons sounds just a little suspicious to me.
Point is, some of this DLC was ready when the game came out. Why couldn't they just release it all with the new Collectors Edition? Why are they going to systematically release DLC portion after DLC portion when a Collectors Edition containing the original game and all 5 addons is coming out in October?
They're greedy, thats all there is to it. They can't wait and release it with the Collectors Edition? Or just release all the expansions as one major expansion for 30 bucks or something? Sounds way better than buying it piece after piece when you know a major re-release is coming out4 months from now.
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