Could have fooled me...
I'm a Halo fan, a BIG one. But not a lemming, I'm pretty sure I proved that when I bought my PS3 (my backwards compatible PS3) last weekend.
On topic though -- That sounds great, funny thing is I am pretty sure that Bungie said the same lines about Halo 3 water and it turned out to be one of the best looking aspects of Halo 3
Making a Splash
I definitely don't get as moist looking at our water tech as our old pal Frankie did. I'm more of a gameplay sort of guy. When I go wading into the engine, I wanna know about stuff like field of view, rate of fire, and how the current health and shield systems function. But I can't deny that the H2O rolling out of Powerhouse is pretty slick and impressive. It certainly warrants a trickle of lip service.
From the dam spillway beneath Powerhouse's catwalks, crystal clear water now pours through metal grating, splashing down into the concrete channel below. From there it playfully rolls through the narrow outlet, a vibrant rush of shimmering aquamarine that, to my amazement, appears to pick up tints and tones from the surrounding concrete before making a swift, foamy run down the sun soaked chute into the large, central pool below.
Goldsworthy tells me that my mind may be playing tricks on me. Though the water is in a near final state, the effects I'm imagining are really a technical mixture of bump mapping, tessellation, and other technical tricks that are apparently well outside the realm of my understanding. Explains the confused look on my face as he sloshed the details my way.
All I know is that it looks incredible. The reflection and shimmering atop the water is naturally more visible and pronounced where the sunlight skins the surface and the refraction adds a near photo-realistic and completely hypnotic effect to the water whether I'm peering out across it or leering down through it. The waves rhythmically lap, swell, and undulate. Hell, I think I even saw a rainbow forming in some mist. No joke.
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