Maybe it is just me but it seems that way. I am sure they are getting nervous about NPD comming out in a couple days. Knowing this will be the second Nov they will get crushed which is a HUGE holiday month. Also being that not one month for NPD has the PS3 ever come in second place let alone first.
Here is how the NPD has broken down so far.
NPD Monthly Console Hardware Sales
Month | 360 | PS3 | Wii
Nov/2005 | 326,000 | |
Dec/2005 | 281,000 | |
Jan/2006 | 250,000 | |
Feb/2006 | 161,000 | |
Mar/2006 | 192,000 | |Apr/2006 | 295,000 | |May/2006 | 221,000 | |
Jun/2006 | 277,000 | |
Jul/2006 | 207,000 | |
Aug/2006 | 205,000 | |
Sep/2006 | 259,000 | |
Oct/2006 | 218,000 | |Nov/2006 | 511,000 | 197,000 | 476,000
Dec/2006 | 1,100,000 | 491,000 | 604,000
Jan/2007 | 294,000 | 244,000 | 436,000
Feb/2007 | 228,000 | 127,000 | 335,000
Mar/2007 | 199,000 | 130,000 | 259,000
Apr/2007 | 174,000 | 82,000 | 360,000
May/2007 | 155,000 | 82,000 | 338,000
Jun/2007 | 198,000 | 99,000 | 382,000
Jul/2007 | 170,000 | 159,000 | 425,000
Aug/2007 | 277,000 | 131,000 | 404,000
Sep/2007 | 528,000 | 119,000 | 501,000
Oct/2007 | 366,000 | 121,000 | 519,000
Total | 7,092,000 | 1,981,000 | 5,039,000
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