As I said in your previous thread- perspective. You need some.
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Remember when QB was announced? It was at the beginning of the generation when MS still had high hopes for xbox one coming off xbox 360. They had no idea the generation would turn out like this and before they truned the software focus to be tied into a co-PC to console environment.
Honestly, If MS had any idea the generation would trun out like this they would have never made xbox one and simply focused on producing games on PC thru windows 10.
MS are master buisness people, first gets many gamers hyped to buy Xbox one for QB. Now Wants to push sales of Windows Store for more sales from PC gamers. They will profit from both Xbox One and PC.
MS is all for the business and the end product, but I do not think MS would have whored out virtually all xbox one's high profile games the way they have unless they were in panic mode here.
MS wanted to own the console market and PC market but keep the separate, but now they are trying to tie their console "xbox" brand into PC just to make it profitable for them this gen and not have shareholders bail on the whole xbox idea all together.
This move is totally a retrospective reaction to what has taken place this gen just like when MS stopped reporting xbox one sales numbers. This most likely was not a planned event and even if there was going to be a QB port it was 100% not going to be a day 1 version. MS is resorting to all in damage control measures at this point.
Xbox has no exclusives.
Well it's exclusively not going to be on the PlayStation 4, that's something.
PC is not a console , it means you can still count PS4/PC or Xbox/PC games as console exclusives
PC is not a console , it means you can still count PS4/PC or Xbox/PC games as console exclusives
PC can be a console
Xbox has no exclusives.
Well it's exclusively not going to be on the PlayStation 4, that's something.
PC is not a console , it means you can still count PS4/PC or Xbox/PC games as console exclusives
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
Wouldn't it of been better for them to keep it secret for 6 months after the X1 launch
Not when you are in sinking ship and last resort mode.
This move means they have absolutely no faith in xbox one as platform that can generate profitable sales and they don't want to risk releasing high profiles like this on xbox one alone first ruin the launch with underwhelming sales numbers (probably based on what happened with Rise of the Tomb Raider)
Tomb Raider completely failed to be a factor when it came to being a system seller for xbox one, so I think MS has given up trying to use games like these to be system sellers for their console this gen and are strictly focusing on highest profit and sales now.
Xbox has no exclusives.
Well it's exclusively not going to be on the PlayStation 4, that's something.
PC is not a console , it means you can still count PS4/PC or Xbox/PC games as console exclusives
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
As a mod you should avoid resorting to making defensive claims related to your belief or bias that can easily be disproved.
lol at "weak fanboy fabrication" too bad reality outside of system wars does not support your argument.
PC is not a console , it means you can still count PS4/PC or Xbox/PC games as console exclusives
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
As a mod you should avoid resorting to making defensive claims related to your belief or bias that can easily be disproved.
lol at "weak fanboy fabrication" too bad reality outside of system wars does not support your argument.
The bias comes from people using the disingenuous label, "console exclusive". And my statement that it's a misleading term (again PC's are relevant to any gaming exclusivity discussion, whether you like it or not) isn't "belief", that's just objectively factual.
And me thinking MS was doing something good for gamers
MS's Xbox division has stock holders like every other big business. No matter how much money MS has as a whole the investors aren't going to keep poring money into an entity that does nothing but eat money with no positive results.
There were a few attempts to salvage the stock of the "xbox" name as a console this gen, but I think the money put into Rise of the Tomb Raider to be timed exclusive to encourage sales for "xbox" as a console was the last straw.
Since Quantum Break was already in development and huge funds are already tied in I think those stock holders want to see results now and care less about salvaging xbox as a console and rather see positive profits thru the xbox "brand" or else they bail all together.
Xbox has no exclusives.
Well it's exclusively not going to be on the PlayStation 4, that's something.
PC is not a console , it means you can still count PS4/PC or Xbox/PC games as console exclusives
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
Indeed! They ran outta exclusives so they invented a stupid term.
PC is not a console , it means you can still count PS4/PC or Xbox/PC games as console exclusives
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
As a mod you should avoid resorting to making defensive claims related to your belief or bias that can easily be disproved.
lol at "weak fanboy fabrication" too bad reality outside of system wars does not support your argument.
The bias comes from people using the disingenuous label, "console exclusive". And my statement that it's a misleading term (again PC's are relevant to any gaming exclusivity discussion, whether you like it or not) isn't "belief", that's just objectively factual.
lol you said it was "a weak fanboy fabrication", and that was all. I simply pointed out that was a false statement. Maybe you should have chosen your wording better.
"whether you like it or not"
Oh and what I like and what I don't like has nothing to do with your false statement so there is not point in you trying to deflect anything on to me here bud.
PC is not a console , it means you can still count PS4/PC or Xbox/PC games as console exclusives
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
As a mod you should avoid resorting to making defensive claims related to your belief or bias that can easily be disproved.
lol at "weak fanboy fabrication" too bad reality outside of system wars does not support your argument.
The bias comes from people using the disingenuous label, "console exclusive". And my statement that it's a misleading term (again PC's are relevant to any gaming exclusivity discussion, whether you like it or not) isn't "belief", that's just objectively factual.
well this fabrication has a meaning for my friend who can't play Alan Wake on his PS3 which is his only current gaming platform
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
As a mod you should avoid resorting to making defensive claims related to your belief or bias that can easily be disproved.
lol at "weak fanboy fabrication" too bad reality outside of system wars does not support your argument.
The bias comes from people using the disingenuous label, "console exclusive". And my statement that it's a misleading term (again PC's are relevant to any gaming exclusivity discussion, whether you like it or not) isn't "belief", that's just objectively factual.
well this fabrication has a meaning for my friend who can't play Alan Wake on his PS3 which is his only current gaming platform
Well Adobe is wrong for his statement and when I pointed that out he seemed to be taking it personally.
This, "weak fanboy fabrication" argument he has is false. I wouldn't put too much stock in what he has to say about it since he seems emotionally invested in defending that point to save face.
Hmmm interesting here's what I think Bollock
Just my thoughts from a realistic standpoint, but you are free to believe whatever else you'd like. Not trying to convince anyone of anything but that's what I see happening here with this move.
For the main question - No. Looking at Alan Wake alone, it was an Xbox exclusive and PC game later.
But maybe because it's tied to a series and a bigger budget, they need to make huge sales fast, but they can't put it on the PS4, PC version is moved on the same day.
Just a thought.
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
As a mod you should avoid resorting to making defensive claims related to your belief or bias that can easily be disproved.
lol at "weak fanboy fabrication" too bad reality outside of system wars does not support your argument.
The bias comes from people using the disingenuous label, "console exclusive". And my statement that it's a misleading term (again PC's are relevant to any gaming exclusivity discussion, whether you like it or not) isn't "belief", that's just objectively factual.
lol you said it was "a weak fanboy fabrication", and that was all. I simply pointed out that was a false statement. Maybe you should have chosen your wording better.
"whether you like it or not"
Oh and what I like and what I don't like has nothing to do with your false statement so there is not point in you trying to deflect anything on to me here bud.
Because it IS a term invented by fanboys to defend their preferred platform, by projecting a misleading view of libraries (again making PC irrelevant) to hold a false claim of exclusivity. In other words, rational gamers don't use the term "console exclusive", they know better how the industry actually works, not how those of brand allegiance want it to work.
If it was a Sony release it would still be an exclusive, just like SFV and No Man's Sky etc.
Only problem is Sony never switched gears.
SFV was announced for PS4 and PC day one, it wasn't some supposed PS4 exclusive then suddenly Sony comes out a few months before release and say It's also day 1 for PC. As for No Man's Sky it was always known to be for PC and PS4 as far as I know and only it's PC release date was in question.
Maybe you are too focused on damage control for MS and xbox one that you don't see how your examples don't represent the situation for Quantum Break at all.
There would be NO fall out if Quantum Break was known to be a PC + X1 game all along, see how that works as your examples don't?
"console exclusive" is a weak fanboy fabrication, pretending PC is irrelevant when comparing libraries.
As a mod you should avoid resorting to making defensive claims related to your belief or bias that can easily be disproved.
lol at "weak fanboy fabrication" too bad reality outside of system wars does not support your argument.
The bias comes from people using the disingenuous label, "console exclusive". And my statement that it's a misleading term (again PC's are relevant to any gaming exclusivity discussion, whether you like it or not) isn't "belief", that's just objectively factual.
well this fabrication has a meaning for my friend who can't play Alan Wake on his PS3 which is his only current gaming platform
Your friend being excluded from playing Alan Wake doesn't make it exclusive, when it's still on two different platforms. And his choosing to play only on PS3 doesn't mean his gaming exists in a vacuum, the other platforms are out there where the games are available. So ultimately console exclusive has no real "meaning", other than to create one to avoid reality.
If it was a Sony release it would still be an exclusive, just like SFV and No Man's Sky etc.
Only problem is Sony never switched gears.
SFV was announced for PS4 and PC day one, it wasn't some supposed PS4 exclusive then suddenly Sony comes out a few months before release and say It's also day 1 for PC. As for No Man's Sky it was always known to be for PC and PS4 as far as I know and only it's PC release date was in question.
Maybe you are too focused on damage control for MS and xbox one that you don't see how your examples don't represent the situation for Quantum Break at all.
There would be NO fall out if Quantum Break was known to be a PC + X1 game all along, see how that works as your examples don't?
yeah, yeah, what ever
Because it IS a term invented by fanboys to defend their preferred platform, by projecting a misleading view of libraries (again making PC irrelevant) to hold a false claim of exclusivity. In other words, rational gamers don't use the term "console exclusive", they know better how the industry actually works, not how those of brand allegiance want it to work.
uh huh, tell us more about fanboys and how the industry works Adobe...
It's quite amusing :)
Does it matter. Remedy always expressed interest for bringing the game to PC. I was never sold that the XB1 would be the only platform available.
@AdobeArtist: Console exclusive is exactly what the term is stating. Its exclusive to a specific console which is different from stating that its exclusively for a specific system. PS4 exclusive is a game that is ONLY available for the PS4. A console exclusive game is only available on one console but maybe available on any platform that is not categorized as a console thus the reason for the term console exclusive.
A Capcom rep quote "...But the reality is that this is a real partnership. We are console exclusive for this franchise for this numbered run." Link
@mark1974: no issue for me at all. Since I have 2 powerful enough PC now I can totally skip out the Bone all together this gen. Lol
@yius_hername: Well, it's still console exclusive and that's more important then anything else. Gamers who keep saying they were going to buy an XB1 for QB are just lying to themselves. You'd have to be a complete idiot to spend $350 on a game console to play one game.
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