You know what, MS had a real good shot this gen at building a loyal fanbase ... Halo was a solid franchise to pull in a fanbase for the XBOX, but this gen they simply didn't expand upon it. GeoW pretty much caters to the same crowd, and when you take a look at exclusives that could potentially make people wanna continue supporting the brand there just isn't much there.
Exactly, its something ive been saying for a while now.
Thing is at the start of this gen they knew that. Thats why you saw exclusives like Kameo and viva pinata to draw in the dedicated Nintendo base, JRPGs like Infinite undisovery, blue dragon, lost odyssey, Vesperia to penetrate Japan, WRPGs like mass effect to get that PC crowd and just a general barage of former PS2 exclusives like Ridge Racer 6, Ace Combat 6 etc. for that PS2 crowd. And of course all this was on top of Halo/gears/splinter cell.
And it was working too, 2005-2007 the 360 was selling incredibly well and from my experience alot of former PS2 owners were finding it appealing and were jumping ship.
For some reason they decided to give it all up mid way through 2008. They decided to exclusively cater to that crowd that buys Halo/Gears. It just doesnt make any sense to me because it was working.
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