Nope, the Wii has and will have 2010 on lockdown too. PS3 does have some great games this year though.
wait what? you can't be serious. Man, sheep are on fire these days.
You must not look at the good games that the Wii have this year and coming up next year? The Wii has tons of great Exclusivegames out this year and coming out later this year as well as a great lineup already established for next year. I'm not trying to change your opinion because some people just won't take the time to actually look and see what the system has but from what I have seen on all three systems, The Wii has for one, the Most exclusives, and secondly, the Best lineup of this year and next year. The PS3 has had a great lineup this year as well though. I am a Major fan of Nintendo but I realize when a system has something good about it and can give recognition where it's due and the PS3 has come a long way this year.
seriously, it's silly even arguing this, doesn't matter that the Wii has the "most" exclusives, PS3 will have 4 or even 5 frigging AAAE's by the end of 2009, PS3 won 09, period. I get that you're a huge nintendo fan, and that you truely believe what you're saying, but with the way we argue here in SW there's no way in hell you're going to convince anyone except for other huge ninty fans that the Wii is having a better year, it's just laughable.
EDIT: I just saw your other post, so you don't go by ratings? okay lol, this is pointless then, enjoy your opinion.
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