I thought about this topic when i was on a comparison sites for the Fight Night Demo on PSN and Live and someone made it sound like PS3 was still a failure today. that made me think back over the years and see if it really was ever a failure and if it was, is it still today?
the year is 2006. MS 360 console has been out for a whole year prior to PS3s Novmeber launch in this year. Expectations are high for SONYs 3 iteration in their Playstation franchise. The console launched at 600 dollars and had few compelling launch games.
From 2007 to about 2008, there werent many compelling reasons to pick up the syestem over a 360, espeacily since PS3 cost 200 dollars more adn 360 was getting some of its best games in 2007. 360 was also commanding a multiplatform dominance in that it was kinda dumb to get them on PS3 over 360 since nearly all were better on 360 by a meaningful margin.
2008 comes around and the PS3 gets MGS 4, IMO the syestems first true syestem seller game. MGS 4 has gone now to sell over 5 million copies and is a major sucess. In thsi year also they lowered the price and made it slightly more affordable, but it was still more expensive then the 360 I believe.
Then 2009 rolls around and we finaly start PS3 tipping things to a more even level between it and 360. PS3 had arguably the better year of software games, released a new redesign and finaly lowered the price to what people wnated, that being 300 dollars. Now the syestem was finaly on even pricing level with 360 for the standard issue model, while 360 still technicaly had a price advantage with their Arcade SKu at 200. But I think alot of 360 sales come from that 300 feature riched model. in this same year PS3 outsold 360 for the year and made a great stride in closing the sales gap between it and 360.
in 2010 the console goes on to keep selling well, although 360 still had a sales advantage in USA month after month this year. However, everywhere else SONY was selling great and it is now known thatas of December of last year, PS3 and 360 where in a dead heat in consoles sold for the year.
The sales gap which was once 5 million or more is now about 3 million. And SONYs PS3 has made great strides, improvements, and efforts over the years making it a compelling purchase.
But comapred to 360, is it a failure? Well, 360 once had a sizeable 5 or so million lead on PS3 and outsold it everywhere. Now the sales numbers are about even and the gap is only about 3 million or so, so is PS3 a failure in sales? Nope.
What about multiplatform games? Well, this is a yes and no situation. yes, 360 does get them slightly better most of the time or alot better sometimes, but read SLIGHTLY and SOMTIMES. A person who only owns a PS3, on average, isnt going to get their version of the game that much worse then it would have been on 360. Will they care if its slightly less blurry or runs a bit smoother on a console they dont own? Nope, and I cant see why that would be a compelling reason why that would be a reason to pick up a 360 also. If you own both, then by all means get the game where its best at, but just because 360 gets them a bit better then the PS3 version i dont think makes 360 a better console or makes PS3 a failure, espeacily when PS3 has tons of compelling sfotware in Exclusvies alone. Me personaly? Im probaly gonna get them where they are best, and that would probaly be 360 with most stuff, but it wouldnt be a reason really why I would say get a 360 over a PS3 because the differences usualy arent big enough to warrent saying that.
But surely the PS3 dosent have as high quality Exclusives as 360, like it was in the early days: Well, there your wrong my friend. Actualy, there has been a rather surprising tip in teh scales of PS3 and 360 when it comes to this lately. Look at what PS3 has Exclusvie this year. Now look at MS. As of right now PS3 wins no contest. Will MS announce stuff at E3? honestly, who knows. For all we know they could only focus on Kinect and leave core gamers out in the cold. They still have multiplatform to fall back on, but thats not a very healthy stance to take when you want to make this thing as long term as possible. Alot of 360s former exclusives like Bioshock, the majority of the Mass Effect Franchise, and so on are now on PS3 as well. So is it a failure here? No Way.
So overal, given what we discussed, do you think it is fair to say in thsi day and age that PS3 is a "failure" of a console. Is the only reason to think of it as a failure is because it didnt do as good as the previous console? is that even fair? If you think 360 is better due to slightly better multiplatform, please explain why. Im sincerely curious. Discuss
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