This is related, but doesn't necessarily overlap with the topic concerning whether Mass Effect 2 is coming to PC.
I am interested to know how many people actually think that Mass Effect is the best RPG this generation, and if so, why?
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a game that has glitches, frame rate issues, technical difficulties, uninteresting story and characters,etc be the best RPG this gen?
It's an amazing game, but I found The Witcher to be better as an RPG.thepwninatorthis though Replace the witcher with Fallout 3. I'm more akin to JRPGS so. But as far as Wrpg's ME, Fallout 3, and I'm soon to be on the oblivion quest there all really really great.
No. Not even close. I've only played The Witcher demo and I know its a better role-playing game. Mass Effect is a great game... but best role-playing game it is not.
And anyone who says vanilla Oblivion is just plain wrong. BioShock has more role-playing than vanilla Oblivion.
It's between Mass Effect, The Witcher, and Lost Odyssey. The rest were pretty much crap. And why do I see PS2 games listed? Last gen console, last gen game. It doesn't matter if you have one of the now extinct BC PS3's. Still a last gen game.
Agreed, mods = Gods :PNo. Not even close. I've only played The Witcher demo and I know its a better role-playing game. Mass Effect is a great game... but best role-playing game it is not.
And anyone who says vanilla Oblivion is just plain wrong.foxhound_fox
Mass Effect is a great game, but it's not a real cRPG, it's more like an open-world action shooter with a lot of cRPG elements. The Witcher is a pure cRPG, not complex like the genre used to be, but it's the best we have this gen. Drakensang: The Dark Eye, King's Bounty: The Legend (2008 GOTY in my opinion) and Eschalon: Book I are very good and should be remebered.
Oblivion and Fallout 3 are something like Mass Effect, but with much less RPG mechanics and more action oriented. Both are good games, but very far from being the best of this generation.
Mass Effect is a great game, but it's not a real cRPG, it's more like an open-world actionshooter with a lot ofcRPG elements. The Witcher isa purecRPG, not complex like the genre used to be, but it'sthe best we have this gen. Drakensang: The Dark Eye, King's Bounty: The Legend (2008 GOTY in my opinion) and Eschalon: Book Iare very good and should be remebered.
Oblivion and Fallout 3 are something like Mass Effect, but with much less RPG mechanics and more action oriented. Both are good games, but very far from being the best of this generation.
Sure it's an RPG. You pick a role, you upgrade, etc. It's not a hardcore RPG, but it's still an RPG, nonetheless.
You haven't played The Wicther have you?IMO
Oblivion = Mass Effect >>> Fallout3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else
Sure it's an RPG. You pick a role, you upgrade, etc. It's not a hardcore RPG, but it's still an RPG, nonetheless.BioShockOwnz
Mass Effect is an action game with a few forks in the road.
You are dropped into levels, and you progress through these levels by shooting people in the face with one gun or another, or by using psi-powers to make them float above you, and then shooting them in the face with one gun or another.
You cannot sneak past the face shooting. You cannot avoid the face shooting by being exceptionally clever or good with words. Even those who enjoy the face shooting cannot say "**** this" and shoot everyone on the Citadel, because, for some strange reason, guns don't hurt people on the Citadel until the game decides that they should.
A) Shoot the ****ers this way.
B) Shoot the ****ers that way.
Put simply, the game's developers were more interested in telling their story, than they were in giving the player the freedom to truly define a role for themselves in the game's universe. The extremely limited and superficial choice and consequence that the game provides during the course of its essentially linear story does nothing to redeem the package as a whole.
Couple these outstanding foundational problems with stupid design decisions (the inventory comes to mind), bad combat, and poor level design, and what you're left with is a game that isn't even good for what it is, much less "teh awsum ar-pee-gee" that it's supposed to be.
But hey, at least the soundtrack was ****ing rad, amirite?
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Sure it's an RPG. You pick a role, you upgrade, etc. It's not a hardcore RPG, but it's still an RPG, nonetheless.
As I said, it's not a hardcoreRPG, and even though I dislike Oblivion -- scratch that, I hate it -- I still know it's an RPG. Some hardcores, especially RPG hardcores, which I consider myself one of, often like to make their own definitions of what their favorite genre is. It's time to take off the blindfold, fellas.
As I said, it's not a hardcoreRPG, and even though I dislike Oblivion -- scratch that, I hate it -- I still know it's an RPG. Some hardcores, especially RPG hardcores, which I consider myself one of, often like to make their own definitions of what their favorite genre is. It's time to take off the blindfold, fellas.BioShockOwnz
I really don't want to call ME the best rpg this gen but ir's probably the one I've had the most fun with so far....
A lot of people here seem to think certain games "labeled" RPG aren't really RPGs, yet in my opinion (and if you base my opinion off of traditional RPG methodology an RPG is represented by a foundation allowing the player to shape his character by a variety of ways including but not limited to, statistical attributes, dialogue choices, skill upgrades, ect. Add to this strong narratives, player driven gameplay/storylines, vast worlds allowing for both straightforward playing and/orexploration (linearity takes away from a player driven experience)
That is my definition of an RPG, and Mass Effect follows that, as does Diablo (minus the strong narrative ;P). Mass Effect may be an Action game first, but the action game is laid upon an RPG template. Personally Mass Effect, despite the problems I have certainly had with it (And I HAVE hada lot), is my Favorite so far
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]As I said, it's not a hardcoreRPG, and even though I dislike Oblivion -- scratch that, I hate it -- I still know it's an RPG. Some hardcores, especially RPG hardcores, which I consider myself one of, often like to make their own definitions of what their favorite genre is. It's time to take off the blindfold, fellas.foxhound_fox
Nope, it's still an RPG. I hate the game. I think it's crap. Just my honest opinion. It's an RPG, though. It may not be the RPG you want, but it's still one of 'em.
Nope, it's still an RPG. I hate the game. I think it's crap. Just my honest opinion. It's an RPG, though. It may not be the RPG you want, but it's still one of 'em.BioShockOwnz
When I said that I liked Fallout 3 and Oblivion more, I meant as games. However, I don't understand the debate as to whether Oblivion is an RPG, cause it is. You make a character and you build that character thus determining how you play as you progress throughout the game. It IS an RPG whether you like it or not. Let's forget about the leveling system too. Sure it's different and the fact that enemies pretty much progress as you do makes it seem irrelevant to some people, it's still there. You can get deal more damage, get more health, more mana which leads to spell progression...I mean c'mon.
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"]Persona 3 or 4.Ziek-AAT
I second this, and its a bit disappointing that the best RPGs this gen are PS2 games );
I third this. Persona 3 and 4 beat the crap out of all other rpg's this gen. hands down. Ps2 severly pwned the rpg's on next gen platforms.I've got a bone to pick with this one. I can't think of a single JRPG where you can run around and kill every npc in the game. That seems to be your whole contention with saying that Mass Effect isn't an RPG. Are you saying Final Fantasy series, Chrono Trigger, Persona series, etc aren't RPGs? If being able to kill every character you come across is the requirement to be a RPG, than Bethesda is pretty much the only company that actually makes RPGs.Mass Effect is an action game with a few forks in the road.
You are dropped into levels, and you progress through these levels by shooting people in the face with one gun or another, or by using psi-powers to make them float above you, and then shooting them in the face with one gun or another.
You cannot sneak past the face shooting. You cannot avoid the face shooting by being exceptionally clever or good with words. Even those who enjoy the face shooting cannot say "**** this" and shoot everyone on the Citadel, because, for some strange reason, guns don't hurt people on the Citadel until the game decides that they should.
A) Shoot the ****ers this way.
B) Shoot the ****ers that way.
Put simply, the game's developers were more interested in telling their story, than they were in giving the player the freedom to truly define a role for themselves in the game's universe. The extremely limited and superficial choice and consequence that the game provides during the course of its essentially linear story does nothing to redeem the package as a whole.
Couple these outstanding foundational problems with stupid design decisions (the inventory comes to mind), bad combat, and poor level design, and what you're left with is a game that isn't even good for what it is, much less "teh awsum ar-pee-gee" that it's supposed to be.
But hey, at least the soundtrack was ****ing rad, amirite?
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