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Unfortunately for you, exploration and choice aren't enough to make a game an RPG. Many games in other genres have these traits, but that doesn't make them an RPG. The thing that SEPERATES rpgs from other genres are the character customizations, which are heavily limited in Mass Effect. Most of the classes are underpowered, and leveling up really doesn't diversify characters enough. In comparison to other RPGs, it is less of an RPG.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="obamanian"]Actually RPG's are about a lot of things, personally the charatcer customization is the last thing i am looking forward in a RPG, i am more into world exploration and interaction and choice Mass Effect has enough customization there to be considered a full RPG, and the action is actually a stat based action, like in every other RPG, you can even have biotc "magic" like abilities, and use them to finish the game (as i did 2 times myself) There is nothing limited in Mass Effect, the customiation is there 100%, in fact it is very deepstepat201
If RPG's are about character customizations then why is Oblivion so hugely insulted by hermits and called an action game? In Oblivion you can actually choose what your character looks like and his class and all that, as opposed to another game I know (cough* The Witcher *cough).
RPGs are about choices, the Witcher lets you play Geralt as many different styles as you want, so because I can't choose his appearance, it's a bad RPG? :lol:So it's pretty clear that Mass Effect is NOT the best RPG this generation, according to most people (including myself) on System Wars. Please feel free to continue with your comments, opinions, and most importantly votes...king_boboInteresting interpretation of the votes. A question to ask... Would any other RPG you could have put in this poll scored higher than 37%? Over 1/3 people who entered this poll chose Mass Effect above any other RPG this gen. That's an impressive number... This isn't ME vs Lost Odyssey, or Mass Effect vs The Witcher - it's Mass Effect VS any other RPG that anyone can think of this gen. Seeing as it has over 1/3 of the votes in such a poll, I am led to wonder if this isn't pretty clear evidence that the community generally thinks ME IS the best RPG this generation. I know I do, and I've played every high-rated non-PS3 RPG this gen.
It's not really the best RPG this gen, but it has the best story this gen and is one of the best games.pyromaniac223Actually, this I won't disagree with. It does tend to fall more into the action RPG category than really traditional RPG style... But, in story and universe, it would easily rival most upper-echelon traditional RPGs. Its real achilles heel is the characters.
[QUOTE="pyromaniac223"]It's not really the best RPG this gen, but it has the best story this gen and is one of the best games.ShafftehrActually, this I won't disagree with. It does tend to fall more into the action RPG category than really traditional RPG style... But, in story and universe, it would easily rival most upper-echelon traditional RPGs. Its real achilles heel is the characters. I wouldn't say upper-echelon. If anything, it is just another retelling of the Bladerunner/forerunner archetype.
Anwser: No.
The game played like a bad shooter, rather than an RPG. Too many problems, dumb character designs, horrible character mangagment, tons of other problems.
The story was swell though...............................................thats it.
I'd put Persona 4 (PS2), Valkyrie Chronicles (PS3), or Tales of Vesperia( PS3/360) over it all day, everyday, everyday son.
[QUOTE="Shafftehr"][QUOTE="pyromaniac223"]It's not really the best RPG this gen, but it has the best story this gen and is one of the best games.VandalvideoActually, this I won't disagree with. It does tend to fall more into the action RPG category than really traditional RPG style... But, in story and universe, it would easily rival most upper-echelon traditional RPGs. Its real achilles heel is the characters. I wouldn't say upper-echelon. If anything, it is just another retelling of the Bladerunner/forerunner archetype. The "upper echelon" of RPGs is, storyline wise, largely populated by games which are essentially well-done takes on cliched fantasy/sci-fi stories. Look at anything from Baldur's Gate to any Final Fantasy game and you'll see something that has been done before. Not everything can be a PS:T... And even PS:T wasn't entirely original. So, I would say upper echelon. I haven't found a universe as interesting in a long time, and even if I don't find myself really liking any of the characters, they get the job done - and I do have a soft'ish spot for Wrex...
[QUOTE="Shafftehr"][QUOTE="pyromaniac223"]It's not really the best RPG this gen, but it has the best story this gen and is one of the best games.VandalvideoActually, this I won't disagree with. It does tend to fall more into the action RPG category than really traditional RPG style... But, in story and universe, it would easily rival most upper-echelon traditional RPGs. Its real achilles heel is the characters. I wouldn't say upper-echelon. If anything, it is just another retelling of the Bladerunner/forerunner archetype. While it may not be quite up to the caliber of older games, considering the state of stories this gen, its definitely in the top two, and probably the best, for this gen.
I played mass effect on 360 like 5 times
How the hell did you manage to sit through that game 5 different times? You must be a masochist.
I tried a second playthrough but found the only difference was that I could be a jerk to everyone and punch people in the face. That lasted about 2 hours then I got bored.
As for this topic: I enjoyed The Witcher and FO3 more.
Played once with every charatcer, and two times in hardcore with biotics and combintions
It is really endless, since the gameplay is different with every charatce, the customization is simply huge
Of course i liked Fallout 3 and Fable 2 non linear worlds farmore myself too
Fallout3lhugheyis a sterile, shallow installment of a once-dominant series that should have either stayed dead or been given to competent devs.
[QUOTE="pyromaniac223"][QUOTE="lhughey"]Fallout3Shafftehris a sterile, shallow installment of a once-dominant series that should have either stayed dead or been given to competent devs. I quite enjoyed it. Am I really dumb? :) Yes. You are dumb because you enjoyed a game that I deemed beneath me.
Reported... FOR MAKING ME CRY!!!![QUOTE="pyromaniac223"] Tried AND FAILEDShafftehr
It's probably my second or third favorite RPG this gen, behind Lost Odyssey and Fallout 3 (though I really do need to try the Witcher).
I'd give it the nod over Persona 4 simply because if you're not that into hardcore JRPGs Persona is basically worthless to you
The main draw for Mass Effect (at least to me) was the story, although it was obvious that much of the inspiration for it came from Star Control 3.
[QUOTE="-snorlax-"]38% of the people voting think it's the best RPG of this generation ;) I was about to say "whoa a government conspiracy alien shooting fps? whos ever herad of that? best game evah!" but then I realized it was too obviouswow a space sci fi star wars esque wrpg? whos ever heard of that? best game evah!
[QUOTE="Shafftehr"][QUOTE="-snorlax-"]38% of the people voting think it's the best RPG of this generation ;) I was about to say "whoa a government conspiracy alien shooting fps? whos ever herad of that? best game evah!" but then I realized it was too obvious thats never been done before. nice a space sci fi star wars esque wrpg? whos ever heard of that? best game evah!
[QUOTE="Shafftehr"][QUOTE="pyromaniac223"]It's not really the best RPG this gen, but it has the best story this gen and is one of the best games.VandalvideoActually, this I won't disagree with. It does tend to fall more into the action RPG category than really traditional RPG style... But, in story and universe, it would easily rival most upper-echelon traditional RPGs. Its real achilles heel is the characters. I wouldn't say upper-echelon. If anything, it is just another retelling of the Bladerunner/forerunner archetype.
How is it like Bladerunner?
[QUOTE="Shafftehr"][QUOTE="-snorlax-"]38% of the people voting think it's the best RPG of this generation ;) I was about to say "whoa a government conspiracy alien shooting fps? whos ever herad of that? best game evah!" but then I realized it was too obvious Heh, I was considering making some crack about Zelda being considered the BEST GAME EVARRRR with the same bloody storyline every gen, or something about the legendary Baldur's Gate II being pretty straightforward for story, but settled on simple poll a space sci fi star wars esque wrpg? whos ever heard of that? best game evah!
I like Atlus games, so I will give some props to Persona, alhought I didnt like those games half as much as DDS1 and SMTIII, and I wouldnt even say they are from this gen. It comes down to Mass Effect vs Fallout for me. Sometimes I enjoy a little more linear game.
Yea, but Valkyria Chronicles comes a close second.
And for everyone mentioning Persona (a series I adore if you can't tell), it's a PS2 game, doesn't count.
If we can throw in JRPGs into the mix, then Mass Effect is not at the top this gen.Yea, but Valkyria Chronicles comes a close second.
And for everyone mentioning Persona (a series I adore if you can't tell), it's a PS2 game, doesn't count.
mass effect is more of a shooter to me.b1lal
Unbelievable all the people saying this :roll: Not every RPG is about Swords and Magic you know. Do you people not get the context of the setting for the game, and what kind of weapons that would entail? Or is your narrow definition that any game with a gun = "shooter"? So that would make GTA4, DMC4, and Splinter Cell all shooters?
This is as bad as people labelling Zelda as an RPG when it meets none of the genere criteria :|
And I did vote Mass Effect best RPG of this generation. There is such an abundance of game play diversity in the moral choices, cIass configurations, skill customizations, lending to great replay value. And the story, despite what some have complained about, is far from generic. The plot is of an epic scale, and many characters with deep backgrounds.
I've had a lot of fun with this game, in 4 play throughs. Though now I am getting more and more curious about The Witcher (and how I can get my hands on the complete UK version :oops: :) )
Does Oblivion IV count as this gen ? And if yes,than its undoubtably the best RPG.freeloader_101First, it's Elder Scrolls 4, not Oblivion 4. Second, Oblivion is barely even an RPG. It's actually arguable that it isn't one at all.
[QUOTE="freeloader_101"]Does Oblivion IV count as this gen ? And if yes,than its undoubtably the best RPG.thepwninatorFirst, it's Elder Scrolls 4, not Oblivion 4. Second, Oblivion is barely even an RPG. It's actually arguable that it isn't one at all.
Being a bad RPG doesn't make it not an RPG. Oblivion meets all the criteria, from cIass selection and configuration, to attribute and skill customization, to Level progression (albiet broken), to story and moral choices. It's nothing more than subjective quality of that particular game.
I actually thought it was one of Bioware's weakest games. The presentation was fantastic, the combat was mostly enjoyable, but everything else felt like a cheap imitation of other Bioware games.
In any case, I might put it in my top 5 RPGs for this gen. Maybe in 5th, hm. It's far from the best this gen (and this gen had been pretty miserable for RPGs).
First, it's Elder Scrolls 4, not Oblivion 4. Second, Oblivion is barely even an RPG. It's actually arguable that it isn't one at all.[QUOTE="thepwninator"][QUOTE="freeloader_101"]Does Oblivion IV count as this gen ? And if yes,than its undoubtably the best RPG.AdobeArtist
Being a bad RPG doesn't make it not an RPG. Oblivion meets all the criteria, from cIass selection and configuration, to attribute and skill customization, to Level progression (albiet broken), to story and moral choices. It's nothing more than subjective quality of that particular game.
But since cIass selection and attribute and skill customization don't really matter in that game, its status as an RPG is undermined. If you end up the same late-game character no matter how you start, the choice is pointless.Please Log In to post.
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