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Most 360's have a HARDWARE life of about 1 year with the RROD, followed by multiple, frustrating Warranty refurbs...
You honestly expect a Xbox 360 to last 7 to 10 years?
I think it is a good thing. I think they are going to try to keep the xbox as close to the PC tech for ease of development and other reasons. I would say a 5 year cycle would be perfect.russdmoore
Best if you bought one at launch. Not that great for people picking it up now or next year. And Microsoft doesn't support users running older products like Sony does. They will give all X360 owners the finger the same day there new system comes out. Just like they do with every other product they sell. And just like they did with the original Xbox.
Hey I hope they release a new MS console in the next couple of years.... I'd rather buy the next MS console than the Flopstation 3.Veterngamer
The lemmings writers all must be on strike like the show writers.
[QUOTE="russdmoore"]I think it is a good thing. I think they are going to try to keep the xbox as close to the PC tech for ease of development and other reasons. I would say a 5 year cycle would be perfect.EmperorSupreme
Best if you bought one at launch. Not that great for people picking it up now or next year. And Microsoft doesn't support users running older products like Sony does. They will give all X360 owners the finger the same day there new system comes out. Just like they do with every other product they sell. And just like they did with the original Xbox.
Cows are soooo retarded with this 7-10 year life span. Try and understand cows, IF THE PS1/PS2 WEREN'T SO SUCCESSFUL THEY WOULD NOT BE SUPPORTING IT TODAY.
If the 360 is even halfway successful you can bet MS WILL support it longer than 5 years.
Do you as a console gamer really want to be that far behind the PC?
Another 2 years of this gen sounds fair to me.
[QUOTE="deadmeat59"]360 did not do much better then xbox one witch failed . i would not be shocked if ms is once agian trying to redo there system kingtito
Guess that means the PS3 is a failure as well. Get ready for the PS4 to come out then.
yes ps3 did fail to .Since when has the average console life between 7-10 years? I'm pretty sure it's more like 5 years....with the ps2 being a small exception.
And if I recall..I do remember Sony talking about the possibilities of a ps4 a few months ago...but ps3 fanboys wouldn't only critisize MS when Sony has done the same thing...would they?
I love how people expect companies who have millions and millions of dollars invested in gaming to NOT plan ahead for the future lol.
I have an essay due next week for school...but I'm not going to work on it or even think about it until the night before because it has come to soon after I wrote my last
Get you're heads out of you're butts. If you don't think that both Sony and Nintendo already have their next gen systems on the drawing boards already you are crazy. All 3 most likely had something in the works for the next gen (and next, next gen) before the 360, ps3 and wii were even released.
I have a ps3 and 360 and i love them both equally, but i don't like the Ms Boys calling out the sony ones because of a flawed system, i mean isn't it already rumored that ms is talking about their next gen console, if 360 was that great they would make sure there weren't rumors or articles of next gen flying around,, it's already been out for 2 years, should systems have a shelf life of 7-10 years?Animal-Mother
MS is on the record as saying they feel consoles should have shorter life spans. They feel even the standard 5 years is too long.
But you are incorrect. Consoles have typically ALWAYS come out every five years. This gen was unusual with the 360 coming out 4 years after Xbox, Wii came out 5 years and the PS3 came out 6 years + after the PS2. The 7 - 10 year lifespan is based on how long games continue to come out for the previous gen console. Using that measurement, the PS1 had about an 8year lifespan and the PS2 is still going strong at 7+ years.
I would also add that when Sony announced the PS1, they announced at the exact same time their plans to have PS2 in 2000 and the PS3 in 2005. That was about 12 years ago they said that.
Get you're heads out of you're butts. If you don't think that both Sony and Nintendo already have their next gen systems on the drawing boards already you are crazy. All 3 most likely had something in the works for the next gen (and next, next gen) before the 360, ps3 and wii were even released.
yeah i remember getting ps2 at launch and seeing a magazine article talking about work being done on ps3 already.
In the works? Absolutely, released any time soon? No, not a chance, all three of the console manufacturers probably have their next console in the works, its a smart move, they have plenty of time to plan out the next console, that doesn't mean it will be released any time soon.
Sony expects the PS3 to live for 10 years. Unfortunately, MS will have something younger and far more powerful out by year 8 I expect.
Nintendo on the other hand will have to choose a new CPU as the PowerPC line the GC and Wii are on is expected to not get any of the necessary improvements. Nintendo's next console may surpass the PS3 in power as well, but still cost less.
so basically what your all saying is you want a brand new console to come before this generation is even fully unlocked, that bollocksAnimal-MotherYawn. Cause Nintendo and Sony have not commented on their next cnosoles:|
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]I have a ps3 and 360 and i love them both equally, but i don't like the Ms Boys calling out the sony ones because of a flawed system, i mean isn't it already rumored that ms is talking about their next gen console, if 360 was that great they would make sure there weren't rumors or articles of next gen flying around,, it's already been out for 2 years, should systems have a shelf life of 7-10 years?ZIMdoom
MS is on the record as saying they feel consoles should have shorter life spans. They feel even the standard 5 years is too long.
But you are incorrect. Consoles have typically ALWAYS come out every five years. This gen was unusual with the 360 coming out 4 years after Xbox, Wii came out 5 years and the PS3 came out 6 years + after the PS2. The 7 - 10 year lifespan is based on how long games continue to come out for the previous gen console. Using that measurement, the PS1 had about an 8year lifespan and the PS2 is still going strong at 7+ years.
I would also add that when Sony announced the PS1, they announced at the exact same time their plans to have PS2 in 2000 and the PS3 in 2005. That was about 12 years ago they said that.
link to MS saying that the span of a console should be less than 5 years?so basically what your all saying is you want a brand new console to come before this generation is even fully unlocked, that bollocksAnimal-Mother
No, we want a good console to come out in the next 3-4 years. We don't want for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft to start development on their NexGen machines 1 year before their launch dates:roll:....Thinking ahead and slowly planning everything is the way to go in this business.
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]so basically what your all saying is you want a brand new console to come before this generation is even fully unlocked, that bollocksDeadMan1290
No, we want a good console to come out in the next 3-4 years. We don't want for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft to start development on their NexGen machines 1 year before their launch dates:roll:....Thinking ahead and slowly planning everything is the way to go in this business.
Exactly. If you think that the R&D time on a new console is around 3 years and the 360 has been out for 2 then I'd be surprised if MS hadn't begun exploring a new console's design.EDIT cows fear this because it will essentially make the PS3 obsolete before its even had a chance to get in its stride because Sony will have to answer.
I have a ps3 and 360 and i love them both equally, but i don't like the Ms Boys calling out the sony ones because of a flawed system, i mean isn't it already rumored that ms is talking about their next gen console, if 360 was that great they would make sure there weren't rumors or articles of next gen flying around,, it's already been out for 2 years, should systems have a shelf life of 7-10 years?Animal-Mother
Well what do you expect them to do, it takes years to research what is viable for the future, all companies have people sitting in rooms making shi* up, its what they do. these are major corporations, they are not what they are cause they sit down and hope that 3 or 4 years from now they can create something that people will want, they have to start as soon as possible, Research, research have to think of the future.
as soon as sony is done creating some fancy HD television, the damn thing won't even hit the stores before they already have plans for the next HDTV. its called progress.
besides, they said their next system won't be out till probably 2011 so why worry?
All 3 companies are currently working on their next big console. It would be naive to think otherwise.JimJackJose
Umm no. Their working on accessories for the one they have now. Improving what they allready have. It won't give them any profit if they were to work on something they don't have to sell.
[QUOTE="JimJackJose"]All 3 companies are currently working on their next big console. It would be naive to think otherwise.Shomb22
Umm no. Their working on accessories for the one they have now. Improving what they allready have. It won't give them any profit if they were to work on something they don't have to sell.
Wrong, they have to plan ahead. You think that they start building their new consoles the day they launch them? These things take years to design, so they're obviously working on them right now. Nintendo started working on the Wii as soon as the GameCube launched.
I have a ps3 and 360 and i love them both equally, but i don't like the Ms Boys calling out the sony ones because of a flawed system, i mean isn't it already rumored that ms is talking about their next gen console, if 360 was that great they would make sure there weren't rumors or articles of next gen flying around,, it's already been out for 2 years, should systems have a shelf life of 7-10 years?Animal-Mother
well both companies have been desginging new system since even before the ps3 and 360 were remember kens ps9 ideas? lol...
Do you as a console gamer really want to be that far behind the PC?
Another 2 years of this gen sounds fair to me.
I think I will quit gameing if this generation is over in 2 years.
[QUOTE="Shomb22"][QUOTE="JimJackJose"]All 3 companies are currently working on their next big console. It would be naive to think otherwise.Yodas_Boy
Umm no. Their working on accessories for the one they have now. Improving what they allready have. It won't give them any profit if they were to workon something they don't have to sell.
Wrong, they have to plan ahead. You think that they start building their new consoles the day they launch them? These things take years to design, so they're obviously working on them right now. Nintendo started working on the Wii as soon as the GameCube launched.
QFT. R&D never stops, especially in the technologies business. You either plan for the future or you plan to fail. I work for a Communications company that rents wireless TV broadcast gear to Networks for event (mostly sports, we are at all the NBC Golf events), and we were planning to upgrade our gear to HD 5 years before HD was even a consumers wet dream. We did that because we knew that if we were not on the cutting edge of wireless HD transmissions our competitors would be.
Since the X360 is doing well, M$ will keep it around as long as its selling well. However, they should release another console around 2010 to take the high end and leave the X360 for the low end (kinda like Sony is doing with the PS3 and PS2).
For those that think its a bad thing to have a new console every 5 years, you can keep playing your console, while i upgrade. Imagine what the X360 would be like with a DirectX 10 capable 512mb card and about 4 times the RAM and the efficiency of consoles to pull all the pieces together.
IMO, the current CPUs in the PS3 and X360 are sufficient for the next generation of systems (of course a die shrink would be nice to keep the wattage low). The next gen stations are going to see big gains from memory boost and a stronger GPU. This is were the production cost should be funneled.
[QUOTE="Yodas_Boy"][QUOTE="Shomb22"][QUOTE="JimJackJose"]All 3 companies are currently working on their next big console. It would be naive to think otherwise.jbeen
Umm no. Their working on accessories for the one they have now. Improving what they allready have. It won't give them any profit if they were to workon something they don't have to sell.
Wrong, they have to plan ahead. You think that they start building their new consoles the day they launch them? These things take years to design, so they're obviously working on them right now. Nintendo started working on the Wii as soon as the GameCube launched.
QFT. R&D never stops, especially in the technologies business. You either plan for the future or you plan to fail. I work for a Communications company that rents wireless TV broadcast gear to Networks for event (mostly sports, we are at all the NBC Golf events), and we were planning to upgrade our gear to HD 5 years before HD was even a consumers wet dream. We did that because we knew that if we were not on the cutting edge of wireless HD transmissions our competitors would be.
Exactly, every big technology company has a complete division devoted to R&D. Sony, Nintendo, and MS while working on improving their exsisting features and accessories are also working on their next consoles. R&D is a long process, especially when you are talking about a entire console that will be the basis of a multi billion dollar business. Like I said before, it would be naive to think these companies are not looking towards their next consoles already.
its probably more than likely sony started mentioning working on a new processor back in 2003. im sure they are thinking about it but not getting overboard with it right now im sure sony and nintendo are doing the same things.
sony working on some new image thing im sure that has something to do with the next playstation. on g4 some microsoft dude said they want a new type of controller.
not suprising at all.
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