More recent cult systems would be something like a Gamecube or a Dreamcast, 2 consoles with a lot of amazing games yet severely overlooked.
The Xbox had a lot of multiplats, usually the best versions. Like entire sections of levels would be missing off some of the Gamecube and PS2 versions of games.
It also ignited online gaming on consoles with Xbox Live which made even games that were also on PC usually better on the Xbox since it was a lot less complicated to get games going with friends than it was on the PC during that time. Every game had voice chat and lobby list with up 32 players online which was way ahead of its time, and yet so awesome.
Some Xbox exclusives were, Phantom Dust, Rallysport Challenge 2, ESPN Football (better than Madden), Crimson Skies, Mech Assault, Jet Set Radio Future, Project Gotham Racing, Forza, Conker Live and Reloaded, Dead or Alive 3/X2, Dino Crisis 3, Otogi 1/2. I'll leave it at that.
The Xbox blows away the Wii U
My thing with the Xbox 360 though were it was kind of redundant to own if you had a good gaming PC since it barely had exclusives outside of Halo/Gears/Forza.
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