Last gen people here know I bought the call of duty xb1 (Xbox had the marketing deal with Advanced Warfare) They had a ton of big hitting games at launch Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, and Ryse. This gen they have absolutely nothing to start off the generation with Phil Spencer's X-Series while Sony is coming out really hard with tons of games like Demon Soul's, Miles, Returnal...
Xbox didn't do a big hitter marketing deal with CoD I also bought Halo MCC couple months later that first year when I bought it. Literally no reason to get one right now unlike last gen with the xb1 i had a ton of reasons tht first year.
What has changed from Xbox one to X_Series as far as strategy?
It seems like the box looks uglier than Xbox One S to me (personally) The price seems like the only thing its beating last generation on its the same price as a ps5 instead of 100 more and weaker.
This gen it might be slightly more powerful with a worse SSD than the PS5 which is better WAY better than last gen.
The controller is the same which isn't the worst but I still vastly prefer the dual shock 4 over the xbone controller for my PC gaming. Haven't even tried the dual sense and xbox guys are swearing that its another level on top of the dual shock 4 even like Ryan McCaffrey said its the only playstation controller he will use now thats a really bad sign for the x-series controller if it keeps improving an xbox stays stagnate on that front.
Is Phil really turning things around from the xb1 generation or just doing the same old same old as mattrick maybe even less?
Please don't mention gamepass I like to buy and own my digital games an keep em on my drive an play on my terms what I want when I want.
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