@SolidTy said:
That is correct. It seems select users keep forgetting or just never knew but continually comment about the new 360/Xbone Holiday 2015 Tomb Raider game insisting it's for Xbone only. It's unfortunate that 2005 360 hardware is still going to be holding back current gen Xbone 2015 gaming, but that's sales for ya.
What makes the case worse is the competition is readying a very similar product (Uncharted 4) in the same time frame of holiday 2015 and their product won't be on the last generation 2006 PS3 making UC4 a full new generation game with all the bells and whistles that accompany developing for new hardware without scaling or developing gaming engines and assets for old hardware (PS360).
@SolidTy said:
@ProtossX: Rise of the Tomb Raider has been announced as a "timed exclusive" for 360 and Xbone by Phil Spencer directly. What systems will get the game beyond the exclusivity window is up for debate.
At any rate, the excitement for the product has worn thin since the game has been announced to be a cross generational product being released on 360 and Xbone. It's very disappointing that by his Xmas we will still see the 2005 360 hardware holding back next gen machines like the Xbone.
@Salt_The_Fries said:
@SolidTy if it wasn't coming for 360, people would've accused them of not supporting their platforms. It seems that no matter what MS does, they're always wrong.
The fact that the Rise of Tomb Raider is being released on both 360 and Xbone is not a move to save face though, it's purely economics as this is a SquareEnix property.
The move is financial in nature for SquareEnix. All one has to do is look at the last TR game's sales (which started as a huge underperformer but eventually through promos, sales, and time sold 6 million across five systems [PC/PS3/PS4/360/Xbone]). The last TR game was multiplat and sold on 360/PS3/PS4/Xbone and at first struggled in sales. This new TR game which originally was coming to the same five platforms (PC/PS3/PS4/360/Xbone) lost more than half of the 2013's sales user-base temporarily (lost PC/PS4/PS3) as it's a timed exclusive for 360/Xbone, and the Xbone doesn't have the install base to support this game to be Xbone only exclusive for SE 's bottomline.
Xbone simply hasn't sold enough units to support the next TR game despite the M$ money given to help Crystal Dynamics/SE, so 360 version proceeds forward so SE has at least two platforms (360/Xbone) to sell the game as opposed to just one platform (Xbone) or five platforms (PC/PS3/PS4/360/Xbone).
Also, the 1st party support for the 360 has been terrible, the loss of this TR game wouldn't alleviate the image they ditched the 360 hardware to fully support the Xbone when it comes to 1st party support. The best the 360 gets from the first party has been shared multiplats with Xbone and even then, not many (Forza Horizon and this upcoming TR game for example).
SquareEnix can't afford to release this TR game only for the Xbone, it's a matter of economics. Yes, they took money to make the game timed exclusive for 360 (85 million+ users) and Xbone (10 million+), but SquareEnix are giving up on sales from PS3 (85 million+), PS4 (17 million+), & PC...temporarily. SE is looking out for SE at the end of the day.
What this all means is that Square wants to make sure they get paid. This also means another cross generational multiplatform game holding back new generation hardware. When this game was originally coming to PC/PS3/PS4/360/Xbone, it wasn't an exciting prospect. Perhaps the sequel to this game will be only for PC/PS4/Xbone, but in the meantime, I just won't be enthusiastic about any game being cross generation. I know it's a matter of sales, but that doesn't mean I like it. I knew all this and mentioned above "but that's sales for ya" in an effort to save time explaining the economics.
Look at Warner Bros, they are taking a chance and allowing Rocksteady to make Batman Arkham Knight only for PS4/Xbone/PC. Witcher 3 is another example of a game for PS4/Xbone/PC. Obviously Capcom kept launch title DR3 next gen and of course Xbone and PS4 have some 1st party exclusives both released (Forza 5, Infamous Second Son, etc) and on the way (Uncharted 4/Bloodborne/Halo 5/The Order/GeoW4/ etc) that are NOT cross gen. These cross gen games are lame imo, especially playing them on next gen hardware that costs a lot of money.
I didn't buy these brand new generation machines to play games available on my decade older machines.
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