@Renegade_Fury said:
@ConanTheStoner: Then let me ask you this: How many times do you replay (any) Sonic? B/C if it's one and done, and you come back a few years later, I don't want to hear it. For me, the night Mania came out for example, I replayed it back to back in one sitting as it comes with the territory for properly judging. The same thing holds true with other Yuji Naka games in particular, like NiGHTS and Rodea, b/c while they have simple controls, as he puts it, "there's a world of difference between handing the controller to a novice as opposed to giving it to someone that knows what he or she is doing." - e.g the ring system - which allows any schmuck to win, but keeping ~200 rings and beating a zone in 90 seconds are very different
Yo I completely get this. Was just having this exact convo on Discord about Sonic and one n done types in general. Shit, you probably see me and Champ ranting about it all the time.
Probably one of my biggest pet pet peeves talking with gamers, those who play what is essentially the "tutorial run" and have no idea what the game actually offers.
Most of my favorite games fall strongly into that category. I like fighting games, beat em ups, platformers, etc. basically I love action based games where the player has crazy room to flex and improve.
So no, I'm definitely not that gamer.
Like with SOR4, the night I grabbed it, ran through it on normal, immediately jumped into Mania, then started tackling S-ranks and 1cc.
So yeah, naturally I'm approaching Sonic the same way.
I understand there is that satisfaction at the end of the tunnel. I think where we disagree, is the process of getting there. I don't find the road to "git gud" quite as satisfying as I do with other games. And believe me, it's not without trying. Even now I've reinstalled Mania Plus and am going at it again, as if it's some fomo on my end lol.
@Renegade_Fury said:
So the way I see it, Mario is much more approachable as you can get the most out of it in one playthrough, but Sonic requires at least two since it's more about performance and the thrill as opposed to finishing. It's also why I only enjoy replaying Mario levels like the Perfect Run and Champion's Road since they're more in line with the type of satisfaction I get out of Sonic, as all the others levels lose their luster after a first go around. So yeah, to me, Sonic on gameplay makes it infinitely more fun to replay, and that's without getting into extra things like art, music, and characters.
Yeah that's where I'm coming from with the fun in Mario being more readily apparent. Both Mario and Sonic have room for the player to get crazy good. Obviously Mario speedruns are a huge thing too.
It's the baseline Sonic experience that doesn't appeal the same. And I know you don't like the memorization "criticism", but I'm not even saying that like it's a bad thing. Speed running does involve memorization. And one of the core design principles behind Sonic was to be that kind of game. Similar to memorizing encounters in a beat em up, I don't consider it a flaw.
This isn't a "mad cuz bad" take. I can appreciate the higher level play in a game, whether I'm there or not. But I do feel the level design and enemy placement could be structured in such a way to be more satisfying from the get go, while still providing for the highest levels of play.
Could I be wrong? Sure. It's just hard to see why when so many games have accomplished exactly that.
@Renegade_Fury said:
And just to be clear here, I'm not calling Sonic hard, but I do believe its game design philosophy is lost on most people b/c they either don't get it, or they don't want to, since it isn't like Mario. I don't think there's anything controversial about saying that.
Oh well yeah man, not even going there. A lot of times a game being hard is whatever.
Games can be plenty easy and still provide an insane skill ceiling. Like NG vs DMC. Skill floor is a good deal higher in NG. Any idiot can mash through DMC on normal. But that DMC skill ceiling is a skyscraper by comparison.
And sure, being on SW especially, I understand a lot of things like that are lost on people. Suppose I just took offence at being lumped in there, not everyone here, or everyone who shares these opinions, is that dense about it.
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