So, it's pretty much confirmed for now- Monster Hunter has gone 3DS exclusive, at least for the time being. With Monster Hunter Tri G coming to the system this December, right before the Vita launches, and it getting a massive marketing push, as well as a system bundle- in addition to the next mainline game in the series, Monster Hunter 4, being exclusive to the 3DS for the time being- it seems that the PS Vita has launched its only big name franchise that could have given it a fighting chance.
The importance of Monster Hunter for the PSP, and therefore, by extension the PS Vita, cannot be understated. You are all, of course, fully aware that Monster Hunter was almost single handedly responsible for the PSP's resurgence in Japan, the only market where the PSP ever made a dent. This led to the PSP getting a new lease of life, renewed third party support, and pushed its install base to 71 million, which makes it one of the highest selling systems of all time.
The PSP had four million sellers in Japan- all of them were Monster Hunter games. By comparision, the DS had thirty three million selling games.Unlike the PSP, which only had Monster Hunter as a big seller, the DS had support from several major franchises, including Mario, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Professor Layton, Pokemon, Nintendogs and Brain Age, all of which it still exclusively retains, in addition to getting Monster Hunter as well. Will this make the PS Vita stillborn in Japan?
An argument that can be made is that, knowing Capcom's history, Monster Hunter might eventually make its way to the PS Vita. However, in this case, there would be two things to consider:
- Monster Hunter, as a series, has traditionally stayed exclusive. Sure, there are minor Monster Hunter spin offs on the iPhone, Xbox 360 and PC, but the main series has always been exclusive- first to the PS2, then to the PSP, then briefly to the Wii, and then back to the PSP. There is no reason to sugest that it will all of a sudden become multiplatform, especially given that Monster Hunter thrives on multiplayer, and that cross platform play between PS Vita and 3DS is not possible
- Assuming that itdoesgo to the Vita eventually- say Monster Hunter 4 launches on the Vita six months after it did on the 3DS- it will make no difference. People who want to buy it will already have bought it on the 3DS. Sure, those who own the Vita will probably buy it as a worthy addition to their library for the system, and some core diehards might want to buy the Vita version as well (presumably because Capcom might add some extra content), but itwon't sell any systems.
In conclusion, then, Sony seem to have lost their only system selling franchise- Monster Hunter- whereas Nintendo, in a dramatic coup, seem to have gained one more, in additon to the multiple ones they already have. Seriously, with Mario, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and now, Monster Hunter, all on the 3DS, Japan,the biggest handheld market,will all flock to the 3DS. The effect of this can already be seen in the weekly Media Create numbers, where the 3DS has secured the number one spot permanently, it seems.
What do you guys think? Does Monster Hunter migrating to the 3DS pretty much kill the Vita's chances? Discuss!
Sources will be provided on request.
EDIT: Just to make it clear, since I think I did a poor job of that, I am asking if Monster Hunter's move damage the Vita's chances. I have no doubt it will find a market for itself- my question is if said market will be any smaller because of Monster Hunter's migration.
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