[QUOTE="kungfuchaos"]OK, if you are going to try and bash another consoles line up, atleast do it with some intelligence! Heavenly Sword will be an amazing game. There are so many different ways to attack in HS and the environments are fully interactive on top of that. The graphics are some of the best Ive seen on any console this side of Gears of War, so Im not real sure what you have seeing!I predict 9.0 for HS here at GS!![QUOTE="wiirdawgs"]I mean come on what is there any way. Heavenly sword looks half assed and the graphics aren't that great everything looks blurry and all you do is kill ppl in a arena. There aren't any levels or anything to engage someone who is playing. And what else is there warhawk i mean seriously all it is is online have fun listening to a bunch of nine year olds butcher the english language. And don't even get me started on killzone 2 or should i say flopzone 2 this game looks like crap. The only decent ps3 game coming outthis year is lair and thats it cows so have fun playing crappy games.unknowndrk
As far as Warhawk goes, this game while being online only will be a blast to play. You can team up either through the air or on the ground kind of like the BF series. Should be alot of fun Imo!! I predict 8.0-8.5 here at GS for Warhawk!
This "Flopzone 2" talk is simply childish and ignorant. Killzone 2 amazed all who saw it at this years E3. Guerilla has come unbelievably close to their target render from 2 years ago it is scary and the newest videos only make me want this game more. KIllzone 2 will do for the PS3 what Gears of War did for the 360!!!
As for the rest of the PS3's 2007 line up not counting 3rd party multiplats PS3 owners will be playing....
Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction...I predict 8.5 for this one
Uncharted Drakes Fortune...Another 8.5, maybe a 9 if all turns out like its looking to
HAZE...The guys at Free Radical(Time Splitters series) have a real potential gem shaping up here...8.5 at worst!
UT 3...EPIC+ Amazing Graphics+ Lots of Guns = Crap-Load-O-Fun!!!...... Rumored PC/PS3 gameplay and mod sharing from PC to PS3..9.0 minimum!
So Yes!! The PS3's 2007 line up is just fine!!!
This guy knows what he's talking about people. PS3 owners will have a decent 2007. the only difference between ps3 and 360 this fall is mass effect, bioshock, and halo 3, vs heavenly sword, lair, uncharted, warhawk, and ratchet. I am talking exclusives. the rest is just multiplat stuff. PS3 is looking to have a fantastic Q1 2008 though. especially with littlebigplanet, killzone 2, and metal gear solid 4 on the horizon at that point. The ps3 will be a great system. the 360 is also a good system. people buy systems based on their taste but sadly bash the console they dont have. gotta love the fanboyism.
the only one of those games that looks good is MGS4. I don't have the ps3 cuz it is not good enough for me to pay $600
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