@nyadc said:
From the direction Sony has been moving with the PlayStation 4 it seems like it's gradually becoming the ideology behind the original Xbox One design. Focusing on TV services and programming, media features and DRM based services like PlayStation Now.
Can you see this console being a wolf in sheep's clothing that will gradually change itself over time into something it didn't start as? Microsoft's problem wasn't just what they were trying to do, it's how they announced it, how they didn't work their way into it over time, they just tried to implement it all from launch and people went nuts.
Could Sony of actually been the bad guy all along, but they decided to do these things over a very long period of time so it would be considered acceptable or ease people into it?
1-Sony never had a show completely devoted to TV TV TV,unlike MS sony has always have shows an movies since the PS3 days,it was MS who pushed TV over gaming the PS4 still is push for gaming not for TV.
2-DRM based services.? PSN Now is a rental service you don't buy the games and sony never advertise it as so,when you pay for PSN Now you pay to rent the service not to own the games and you don't even need a platform for it as TV with PSN Now feature will work so again your wrong.
Comparing PSN now to extreme DRM MS wanted to do which didn't allow you even lend your friend a game is a joke and show how desperate you lemmings are to find something bad about the PS4.
No last i remember since the very first day DRM was leak people started to complain,they didn't want DRM or no used games that shit was leak more than 1 year before the xbox one was release and MS heard the noise people were making they were just to arrogant to make the changes,it wasn't until they saw how bad those pre-orders were after E3 that they decide to flip the switch,since the very first day of the leak people protest it i know i remember well.
NO they don't have the DRM MS had,and they are more focus on games than anything else like always and it shows the PS4 continues to get more games than the xbox one.
@nyadc said:
Look at PlayStation Now for example, that comes off like a DRM test rather than a real service, they are no doubt closely monitoring that for statistical data for adoption rates, how long it takes for people to adopt and how many. Eventually they will likely incorporate another service when people get comfortable with that which functions similarly to it more core to the system itself, with PlayStation 4 games for example or something else.
I just see a domino effect on the horizon for this console that's not going to end with consumer interests in mind.
PS Now began its Open Beta rollout on July 31, 2014 with game streaming rentals, which are now available on PlayStation®4 (PS4™), PlayStation®3 (PS3™), PlayStation®Vita (PS Vita), PlayStation®TV (PS TV), select Sony TVs, select Sony Blu-ray Players, and select Samsung Smart TVs in the US & Canada. On 1/13/15 the PlayStation Now game streaming subscription released first on the PS4 system, and is now also on PS3, PS Vita, PS TV, select Sony TVs, select Sony Blu-ray Players, and select Samsung Smart TVs in the US & Canada. Consumers will be able to choose to individually rent games from a catalog of hundreds of PS3 titles or subscribe to get access to a catalog of over 100 PS3 games with unlimited play.
You are comparing a rental service with extreme DRM on the xbox one.?
You are officially grasping man,you don't own anything you rent so if you actually claim renting something is like extreme DRM then it is your fault not sony.
Game fly is extreme DRM and i guess car rentals as well...lol
You just make the most down right pathetic argument to compare DRM on xbox one would affected the game you would have bough not rent,you could not lend a game to a friend,you could not sell the game,you need it to be connected online every 24 hours if not your machine would not work.
PSN now doesn't even require a console it work on some smart TV,on some Blu-ray players.
@nyadc said:
A slippery slope is not always a fallacy, indoctrination to features over a long period of time and acclimatization to make the end game acceptable. If you implement optional DRM aspects slowly and over time people adjust to them, become comfortable with the idea, when they get to the point of being comfortable you lock them into something else. Take Steam for example, Steam is not something bad, however it took a market that was entirely physical and transitioned it into a 95% digital market over time, more and more people became accepting of it and adopted it.
If PC developers just stopped making physical games and Steam was forced the market would have collapsed, hence the Xbox One disaster, they tried to force something all at once and it backfired. If Sony eases people into digital and DRM based systems over time people will act like they were doing them a favor, then they're locked in forever.
My god so you will continue to argue that a RENTAL service is the same as DRM.? Hahahahaa
Blackace you really loss it this time..
Steam didn't transform PC from physical to digital,piracy on PC has been raging on since before steam was here and online you could find any game,steam wasn't the first company to sell a digital game alto they have been the biggest,and PC has always been different all DRM are tied to PC it was born there in fact PC games were never mean to be share,once you install them with their key even on physical copies you were not suppose to copy the game or give it to a friend so he can install it,that is why PC game use to have a PC key each different for every copy.
DRM has been on PC before steam bro,it was just a different way to control games.
Before Steam the market already had DRM and you need it keys and what not to install a game and those games were not suppose to be share.
So again you are reaching here,PSN now is not even close to what MS wanted to do,since you don't own something you RENT.
@nyadc said:
No I most certainly have, you're just not connecting the dots somehow.
That is because your dots don't connect at all.
XBO DRM = You bough a game,you install it after that you could discard the disc as it was useless,the game became attach to your account,and if you lend that game to a friend once he install it the game would be permanently his and you loss it,you could not take your game to gamestop and sell it or sell it to a friend or who ever you want,and you were require to check your games once every 24 hours so they could verify that the game install on your unit were your and not from a friend or already install on another console.
PSN Now = Rental service where you can stream games directly to your console,blu-ray player or even smart TV.
This ^^ has nothing in common with XBO DRM,other than require an online connection because dahh the game will be streamed to you.
Actually if i want to play the PS3 game i already own i use my PS3,is not like my PS3 banish from my house when the PS4 came out..lol
@zeeshanhaider said:
NyaDC is a lem but SolidTy is a manticore...Interdasting!
And you are a fake boy..
@sts106mat said:
well i am 100% certain that when sony introduced PS+ that paying for online multiplayer was already part of their plan. It was a genius move the way they did it.
You mean the way the copy what MS did for 2 generations before they did.?
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