Lots of rubbish being spouted by the fan boys as usual: Microsoft or any company in the retail business will continue to offer the product as long as its profitable, selling and a demand for it exists. If you look at NPD figures the 360 is increasing year on year sales so I cant see it being discontinued even if they launch a new console to compete against the WiiU. Look at how the PS2 kept Sony ticking over when the PS3 wasnt selling in the early days, if they didnt have the revenue coming from that then you could find PS3 may have been discontinued as xbox was giving the losses it made in the early years, so having a revenue stream from an existing product only helps in the transition to your new product.
Sony & Microsoft consoles also have the online generated revenue to bolster the bottom line when sales of the consoles slows so I would expect both PS3 & 360 to continue into the next gen for some time to come and rightly so as both are excellent consoles.
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