Is there any specific reason why people miss out Nintendo when comparing....

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#51 Zaibach
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[QUOTE="Dibdibdobdobo"] actually im playing Final Fantasy 7 on my PSP and Prince of Persia on my 360 at the current moment in time, Not everyone can own 2 consoles and 2 handhelds. Your paying for the same game constantly just several small changes which normally is just players being transferred from club to club which could these days be done by download so yes you are paying for a rehash then complain about rehashes. Irony is such a funny thing :-)Dibdibdobdobo

perhaps I didnt make myself clear, rehash I meant in the same vein as good new IPs , Look at mass effect, Uncharted, Gears and so on true they dont re-write the rules but they do enogh to make the experience not feel too familiar. Making a game thats not a rehash is not necessarilly reinventing the wheel, but giving the gamer something refreshing. trying to claim ownage by using a sports game is trite. All games are rehashes in some respect, its new Ips that keep the monotony at bay. Now am not saying other consoles dont do this- Mgs, halo, However there's enough excellent new titles on the 360,ps3 and pc that werent around when vhs was all the rage.

Nope you made yourself clear previously but now you are blabbering on! Pretty clear that when it comes to Nintendo its double standards for you. Metroid Prime isnt the same as Super Metroid or MO:M but aye its a rehash because it has Samus as main character. Thats called a Reboot and not a REHASH! It has familiar elements but its not the same. Please stop arguing.... If you wanan carry on i can pass you a shovel to dig yourself a little deeper lol. Fifa afterall is a REHASH which ever way you wanna attempt to argue about it but like i said "Fifa 2010 is a Rehash but looks like you brought that game so whats the differance?! Ohhh its simple that you are unable to play Wii games on your PS3. " and thats pretty much explains your fanboyism. PS: I'm off to martial arts training now.

wait so am a fanboy because i think nintendo have lost thier way, and have abandoned the gamers that supported them through all those years in favour of whatever it is they are doing now? thats rich!!! I own both a 360 and ps3 and I have seen greater push in innovative gameplay and brand new Ips from the 360 alone and thats saying something gears and mass effect alone demolish the entire wii library. why is that? because ninty are too busy trying convince your grandma to to buy a vitality sensor. keep raising more points for me demolish I'm enjoying it.b Keep your shovel I'll lend you JCB so you can dig yourself yourself out of whatever tragic world youre trapped in where nintendo doesnt rely on "re-booting" the same tired old franchises over and over and over again.

furthermore and please Note this is the last time I will say this. FIFA 10 is a sports gameand the fact that sports games are judged on the merit that they are sports seems to baffle you some what. so I'll explain because youre latching on this arguing argument desperately. The way a sports game is played (football) is played will never chang so its poor argument for what you think REHASH means. heck at least the chelsea team changes faces every now and then.

have fun in martial arts training, i am dissapointed I half expected you to have purchased wii kung fu.

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#52 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts


Nobody's missing out on Nintendo because they haven't released a good first party game in about two years.


and wii sports resort, new super mario bros wii, punch out, excite bots is..???

1. A casual game about as deep as a kiddie pool.

2. A remake of a DS game with added multiplayer and limited playable characters.

3. A remake of a NES title with a couple new adversaries tossed in.

4. A remake of a Wii launch title with robots that run.

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#53 205212669269561485377169522720
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Zelda and Last Guardian will NOT come out this year!:cry: If it does then I shall bow down to you mighty psychic people.

As to Galaxy 1.5 and Other M, they will be great but not incredible. Alan Wake & God of War 3 will be spectacular as well. Although to me, it's basically going to be Other M because Galaxy 2 just doesn't seem like a 50$/ day one purchase for me. Heck I bought Galaxy 1 5 months after it's initial release.:P

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#54 patriots7672
Member since 2008 • 3249 Posts

Who cares about Nintendo?! Controls are dumb and the system is puny and underpowered.

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#55 ogvampire
Member since 2008 • 9210 Posts


[QUOTE="Parasomniac"]Nintendo keeps making the same 3 franchises. Sony comes out with high quality new IPs all the time and sequels to them.ianuilliam

Like Resistance, Uncharted, and Killzone franchises, 2 of which are this generation franchises, and are improving along the way. Killzone 2 was last generation, but still relatively new, and is also improving. If thesee 3 franchises keep up the pace, they'll be AAA franchises in a few years.

Mario and Zelda are 20 year old franchises. Metroid is about 7 years. I can't believe Nintendo has nothing but these 20 year old franchises to rely on. That and a few rehashed games of AAA titles last gen.

Resistance was AA (and was reviewed before GS went to .5 increments, and scored above 8.5, so that's almost AAA). R2 was 9.0 (AAA). Uncharted was AA, Uncharted 2 was AAA. Killzone was last gen, Killzone 2 was AAA. What do you mean they'll be AAA in a few years? All three franchises already are by their second installment.

not sure what criteria is used to determine if a franchise AAA or not, but i would think you would at least need to have as many AAA games than anything else

Resistance, uncharted, killzone all have 1 game AA or under and 1 AAA..... i wouldnt consider those AAA franchises just yet

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#56 ogvampire
Member since 2008 • 9210 Posts

Who cares about Nintendo?! Controls are dumb and the system is puny and underpowered.


yup... not 1 of the 60+ millions of owners care about nintendo....

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#57 DealRogers
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Most of which are not being published by Nintendo. remember that in the first sentence OP talks specifically about first party.vashkey
Metroid, Mario, Zelda What does Microsoft and Sony have to compare to those three?

Zelda won't be coming out in the US this year, so it's Mario and Metroid vs GT5, GoW3 and Last Guardian. It comes down to personal preferences, really.

I wouldn't be counting with TLG for this year if I were you.
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#58 DealRogers
Member since 2005 • 4589 Posts

Zelda and Last Guardian will NOT come out this year!:cry: If it does then I shall bow down to you mighty psychic people.

As to Galaxy 1.5 and Other M, they will be great but not incredible. Alan Wake & God of War 3 will be spectacular as well. Although to me, it's basically going to be Other M because Galaxy 2 just doesn't seem like a 50$/ day one purchase for me. Heck I bought Galaxy 1 5 months after it's initial release.:P

I can say that, Other M has the potential to be one of the best games of this gen. On the other hand, SMG with Yoshi included will be good no doubt, but nothing special.
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#59 Mario1331
Member since 2005 • 8929 Posts


Nobody's missing out on Nintendo because they haven't released a good first party game in about two years.


and wii sports resort, new super mario bros wii, punch out, excite bots is..???

1. A casual game about as deep as a kiddie pool.

2. A remake of a DS game with added multiplayer and limited playable characters.

3. A remake of a NES title with a couple new adversaries tossed in.

4. A remake of a Wii launch title with robots that run.

u dont hav to like nintendo games but denyin they arent quality is rediculous...dont noe about excite bots though:P

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#60 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts


and wii sports resort, new super mario bros wii, punch out, excite bots is..???farnham

1. A casual game about as deep as a kiddie pool.

2. A remake of a DS game with added multiplayer and limited playable characters.

3. A remake of a NES title with a couple new adversaries tossed in.

4. A remake of a Wii launch title with robots that run.

u dont hav to like nintendo games but denyin they arent quality is rediculous...dont noe about excite bots though:P

Prove to me that any of those statements aren't true. I'm not saying that any of those suck or don't suck, as that's a matter of opinion. I'm just pointing out why they're nothing special, and certainly nothing we haven't played before.
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#61 gamer620
Member since 2004 • 3367 Posts
[QUOTE="MrFanboy"][QUOTE="gamer620"][QUOTE="vashkey"]Personally it's easy to forget Nintendo's line up when it's just sequels to pretty old game series. How many Zelda and Mario games have I already played, seen and passed up? Metroid isn't quite as bad, but still, there are still plenty of Metroid games floating around. I'm not saying these games will be bad but I'm completely uniteresting. They're probably going to push the same experience they've been pushing for decades. The only way that line up could become any less interesting to me is if they replace Metroid with another Pokemon game.

So a game like God of War 3 is ok because the franchise has only been around for what? 6 years?

Mario=25+ years Metroid=25+ years Pokemon= almost 15 years They should bring a new Eternal Darkness or Pikmin.

Eternal Darkness and Pikmin don't sell like Mario, metroid and pokemon. You can argue all you want about the age of these franchises, but the fact remains, Nintendo puts just as many if not fewer sequels PER GENERATION as the competition. You can't use "Oh... Well Nintendo franchises are old!" as a valid argument because both SONY and MS have been around for roughly less than half the time of nintendo. You should note this... since the PS2/xbox/Gamecube generation we have had: PS2: 5 Ratchet games 4 Jak games (3 of which essentially rebooted the original(not including the racer which would make 5)) 3 Sly Cooper games 2 God of War Games 2 Mark of Kri games GC: 2 Metroid games 1 Mario game 1 Mario Kart 2 Zelda games 2 Star Fox games 1 F-Zero 2 Pikmin 1 Eternal Darkness 2 Rogue Squadrons In all the games I listed for Nintendo, that is FEWER games in MORE genres and franchises than the games i listed for PS2. and the games listed for both platforms were essentially THE first/second party games the systems were known for. Sony gets a pass because Ratchet and Jak were new IPs? since the NES there have been 9 Mario games(NOT INCLUDING SPIN OFF GAMES) (galaxy would be 10) on home consoles. Since the PS2 there have been 7 Ratchet games (NOT INCLUDING SPINOFFS) on home consoles. There have been the same amount of zeldas, fewer metroid games, fewer star foxs, fewer smash brothers, fewer pikmins all since the NES age. Does sony and microsoft still get a pass on sequels still?
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#62 Mario1331
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1. A casual game about as deep as a kiddie pool.

2. A remake of a DS game with added multiplayer and limited playable characters.

3. A remake of a NES title with a couple new adversaries tossed in.

4. A remake of a Wii launch title with robots that run.


I believe that WSR us special mainly because of the execution with the controls from the M+ even though it shuld of been on the wii from the start but w.e

u dont hav to like nintendo games but denyin they arent quality is rediculous...dont noe about excite bots though:P

Prove to me that any of those statements aren't true. I'm not saying that any of those suck or don't suck, as that's a matter of opinion. I'm just pointing out why they're nothing special, and certainly nothing we haven't played before.

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#63 ogvampire
Member since 2008 • 9210 Posts



1. A casual game about as deep as a kiddie pool.

2. A remake of a DS game with added multiplayer and limited playable characters.

3. A remake of a NES title with a couple new adversaries tossed in.

4. A remake of a Wii launch title with robots that run.


u dont hav to like nintendo games but denyin they arent quality is rediculous...dont noe about excite bots though:P

Prove to me that any of those statements aren't true. I'm not saying that any of those suck or don't suck, as that's a matter of opinion. I'm just pointing out why they're nothing special, and certainly nothing we haven't played before.

actually, the discussion you replied to was talking about how nintendo didnt make any good games in the past 2 years...

someone posts a list of games, then you downplay said list of games

if you read the whole discussion, it sure does look like you actually are trying downplay their quality

also, you might as well post 99% of every console's library if you want to list games that are nothing special or that we havent played before...

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#64 MadVybz
Member since 2009 • 2797 Posts

[QUOTE="Parasomniac"]Nintendo keeps making the same 3 franchises. Sony comes out with high quality new IPs all the time and sequels to them.jhcho2

Like Resistance, Uncharted, and Killzone franchises, 2 of which are this generation franchises, and are improving along the way. Killzone 2 was last generation, but still relatively new, and is also improving. If thesee 3 franchises keep up the pace, they'll be AAA franchises in a few years.

Mario and Zelda are 20 year old franchises. Metroid is about 7 years. I can't believe Nintendo has nothing but these 20 year old franchises to rely on. That and a few rehashed games of AAA titles last gen.

Metroid's been around since the NES, man.

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#65 Mario1331
Member since 2005 • 8929 Posts


u dont hav to like nintendo games but denyin they arent quality is rediculous...dont noe about excite bots though:P


Prove to me that any of those statements aren't true. I'm not saying that any of those suck or don't suck, as that's a matter of opinion. I'm just pointing out why they're nothing special, and certainly nothing we haven't played before.

actually, the discussion you replied to was talking about how nintendo didnt make any good games in the past 2 years...

someone posts a list of games, then you downplay said list of games

if you read the whole discussion, it sure does look like you actually are trying downplay their quality

also, you might as well post 99% of every console's library if you want to list games that are nothing special or that we havent played before...

oh mypost didnt show!anyways WSR I believe is special by the way the execution of controls via M+...oh and yea i agree wit ogvampire good post

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#66 Dibdibdobdobo
Member since 2008 • 6683 Posts

[QUOTE="Dibdibdobdobo"][QUOTE="Zaibach"]perhaps I didnt make myself clear, rehash I meant in the same vein as good new IPs , Look at mass effect, Uncharted, Gears and so on true they dont re-write the rules but they do enogh to make the experience not feel too familiar. Making a game thats not a rehash is not necessarilly reinventing the wheel, but giving the gamer something refreshing. trying to claim ownage by using a sports game is trite. All games are rehashes in some respect, its new Ips that keep the monotony at bay. Now am not saying other consoles dont do this- Mgs, halo, However there's enough excellent new titles on the 360,ps3 and pc that werent around when vhs was all the rage.

Nope you made yourself clear previously but now you are blabbering on! Pretty clear that when it comes to Nintendo its double standards for you. Metroid Prime isnt the same as Super Metroid or MO:M but aye its a rehash because it has Samus as main character. Thats called a Reboot and not a REHASH! It has familiar elements but its not the same. Please stop arguing.... If you wanan carry on i can pass you a shovel to dig yourself a little deeper lol. Fifa afterall is a REHASH which ever way you wanna attempt to argue about it but like i said "Fifa 2010 is a Rehash but looks like you brought that game so whats the differance?! Ohhh its simple that you are unable to play Wii games on your PS3. " and thats pretty much explains your fanboyism. PS: I'm off to martial arts training now.

wait so am a fanboy because i think nintendo have lost thier way, and have abandoned the gamers that supported them through all those years in favour of whatever it is they are doing now? thats rich!!! I own both a 360 and ps3 and I have seen greater push in innovative gameplay and brand new Ips from the 360 alone and thats saying something gears and mass effect alone demolish the entire wii library. why is that? because ninty are too busy trying convince your grandma to to buy a vitality sensor. keep raising more points for me demolish I'm enjoying it.b Keep your shovel I'll lend you JCB so you can dig yourself yourself out of whatever tragic world youre trapped in where nintendo doesnt rely on "re-booting" the same tired old franchises over and over and over again.

furthermore and please Note this is the last time I will say this. FIFA 10 is a sports gameand the fact that sports games are judged on the merit that they are sports seems to baffle you some what. so I'll explain because youre latching on this arguing argument desperately. The way a sports game is played (football) is played will never chang so its poor argument for what you think REHASH means. heck at least the chelsea team changes faces every now and then.

have fun in martial arts training, i am dissapointed I half expected you to have purchased wii kung fu.

LMAO still no points... My gosh this is more one way than a trip to the bermuda triangle. Well you keep up with your denial of your fanboyism (weird how you mention you own 2x consoles suddenly). Clear to see you dont understand what rehash but aye denial is a strange thing but hey your money so you keep spending it on that totally new experience which was exactly the same as previous game. Nope sorry i didnt buy Wii Kung Fu as never knew about it but you seem to know alot about the shovelware on the console rather than the games lol. I did enjoy my martial arts training too though i've got a blackeye and couple bruised ribs. We all cant be here all the time attempting to make logic out of jargon which i tried to do on several occasions but its hard to do so when its not even fun arguing with someone so feeble.
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#67 IgorAntunov
Member since 2010 • 368 Posts

Sour grapes, people just try to ignore the company and console that crushed their own.

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#68 tok1879
Member since 2005 • 1537 Posts

[QUOTE="Parasomniac"]Nintendo keeps making the same 3 franchises. Sony comes out with high quality new IPs all the time and sequels to them.jhcho2

Like Resistance, Uncharted, and Killzone franchises, 2 of which are this generation franchises, and are improving along the way. Killzone 2 was last generation, but still relatively new, and is also improving. If thesee 3 franchises keep up the pace, they'll be AAA franchises in a few years.

Mario and Zelda are 20 year old franchises. Metroid is about 7 years. I can't believe Nintendo has nothing but these 20 year old franchises to rely on. That and a few rehashed games of AAA titles last gen.

The Metroid franchise has been out since the NES, so no Metroid is not about 7 years.
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#69 Juken7
Member since 2009 • 626 Posts

LMAO still no points... My gosh this is more one way than a trip to the bermuda triangle. Well you keep up with your denial of your fanboyism (weird how you mention you own 2x consoles suddenly). Clear to see you dont understand what rehashDibdibdobdobo

TBH I'm not sure you know either. Soccer and sports in general usually don't drastically change on a yearly basis. Still, new rosters, features, modes, tweaks, etc. are required.

You should be more understanding. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a way of life for you; soccer may be a way of life for him...

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#70 LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

The only Wii game PS3 and 360 owners want is Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

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#71 _Cadbury_
Member since 2006 • 2936 Posts
No one cares about the wii. The PS3 and 360 are actually comparable consoles.they have things in common. Wii is just meh, whatever. Isnt like the other two at all.
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#72 Shad0ki11
Member since 2006 • 12576 Posts

I might end up getting Zelda and Metroid. Not sure about Super Mario Galaxy 2...just because I'm content with Super Mario Galaxy.

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#73 Burning-Sludge
Member since 2008 • 4068 Posts

The Wii has exclusives.

The other two have exclusives + multiplats.

That's why it can't be the year of the Wii. It has quite a strong 1st pary lineup this year, but it still lacks the multiplats to call massive attention from the SW debates.


So it can't be the year of the Wii because it isn't one of the clones.

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#74 MadVybz
Member since 2009 • 2797 Posts

The only Wii game PS3 and 360 owners want is Tatsunoko vs Capcom.


Now this, I can agree with.

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#75 Mario1331
Member since 2005 • 8929 Posts

The only Wii game PS3 and 360 owners want is Tatsunoko vs Capcom.


trust me theres more then that...

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#76 Dibdibdobdobo
Member since 2008 • 6683 Posts

[QUOTE="Dibdibdobdobo"] LMAO still no points... My gosh this is more one way than a trip to the bermuda triangle. Well you keep up with your denial of your fanboyism (weird how you mention you own 2x consoles suddenly). Clear to see you dont understand what rehashJuken7

TBH I'm not sure you know either. Soccer and sports in general usually don't drastically change on a yearly basis. Still, new rosters, features, modes, tweaks, etc. are required.

You should be more understanding. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a way of life for you; soccer may be a way of life for him...

Platformers dont generally change either as its normally about jumping from one platformer to a next but you dont see a new Mario game yearly, Banjo and kazooie, FPS dont generally change either its normally in 1st person view and your shoooting but you dont see a new Halo, Perfect Dark, Killzone every year. This can be used for any type of genre of gaming. Tweaks and new rosters isnt a reasons to release a new title every year when in this day and age you can release updates through the internet . Yes i do understand what a rehash is. PS: Differance being between football (im english) and BJJ is that i eat and breathe it. I train 3x a week in BJJ and 3x a week in MMA. You dont play BJJ you experience it, Theres no playing around in these kinds of sports as you'd end up getting your arm snapped off or your head smashed in while in football neither of those 2 things will happen. Oh and i dont see a yearly release of a grappling game either nor does UFC game 2010 intrest me in any way in the slightest as i know for the price of the game when released there will be minimium changes between the 2.
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#77 brennan7777
Member since 2005 • 3253 Posts

Eh i'm mostly just bored with nintendo. Same 3 titles over and over again just doesnt appeal to me.

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#78 michael582
Member since 2003 • 1064 Posts

Wii lacks 3rd party games. Although its first party support is spectacular, it's just not enough. Its hard too see the wii as being someones primary console(hardcore crowd). Also the fact the wii is also underpowered doesn't help either.

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#79 illegalimigrant
Member since 2008 • 1402 Posts
Sorry I grew out of Nintendo a while a ago. Their console design as well as their games scream casual and kiddy.
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#80 MrFanboy
Member since 2010 • 397 Posts
[QUOTE="gamer620"][QUOTE="MrFanboy"][QUOTE="gamer620"] So a game like God of War 3 is ok because the franchise has only been around for what? 6 years?

Mario=25+ years Metroid=25+ years Pokemon= almost 15 years They should bring a new Eternal Darkness or Pikmin.

Eternal Darkness and Pikmin don't sell like Mario, metroid and pokemon. You can argue all you want about the age of these franchises, but the fact remains, Nintendo puts just as many if not fewer sequels PER GENERATION as the competition. You can't use "Oh... Well Nintendo franchises are old!" as a valid argument because both SONY and MS have been around for roughly less than half the time of nintendo. You should note this... since the PS2/xbox/Gamecube generation we have had: PS2: 5 Ratchet games 4 Jak games (3 of which essentially rebooted the original(not including the racer which would make 5)) 3 Sly Cooper games 2 God of War Games 2 Mark of Kri games GC: 2 Metroid games 1 Mario game 1 Mario Kart 2 Zelda games 2 Star Fox games 1 F-Zero 2 Pikmin 1 Eternal Darkness 2 Rogue Squadrons In all the games I listed for Nintendo, that is FEWER games in MORE genres and franchises than the games i listed for PS2. and the games listed for both platforms were essentially THE first/second party games the systems were known for. Sony gets a pass because Ratchet and Jak were new IPs? since the NES there have been 9 Mario games(NOT INCLUDING SPIN OFF GAMES) (galaxy would be 10) on home consoles. Since the PS2 there have been 7 Ratchet games (NOT INCLUDING SPINOFFS) on home consoles. There have been the same amount of zeldas, fewer metroid games, fewer star foxs, fewer smash brothers, fewer pikmins all since the NES age. Does sony and microsoft still get a pass on sequels still?

You missed quite a few for SONY like SOCOM,Dog's Life,Destruction Derby: Arenas,siren,GT etc If you want to see the whole list So i think we can say out of the franchises both own, SONY had the upper hand last gen. Oh and what is wrong with releasing several games in a short span of time, much better than releasing only 1 per gen, at least if i enjoyed one i can get the others with similar graphics or 1 gen behind graphics and gameplay, instead of venturing into SNES graphics and outdated gameplay.
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#81 metalisticpain
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The only Wii game PS3 and 360 owners want is Tatsunoko vs Capcom.


trust me theres more then that...

I am a 360/ps3 owner and i want NMH 2 Oh wait i have a wii as well so its no problem :)
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#82 Burning-Sludge
Member since 2008 • 4068 Posts

The only Wii game PS3 and 360 owners want is Tatsunoko vs Capcom.


Actually they also wanted Muramasa: the Demon Blade, Little King's Story, No More Heroes, and Super Mario Galaxy.

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#83 MrFanboy
Member since 2010 • 397 Posts
Little King's StoryBurning-Sludge
My favorite Wii game.
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#84 Burning-Sludge
Member since 2008 • 4068 Posts

Eh i'm mostly just bored with nintendo. Same 3 titles over and over again just doesnt appeal to me.


If only there were more games. Oh Wait!

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#85 jhcho2
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[QUOTE="Parasomniac"]Nintendo keeps making the same 3 franchises. Sony comes out with high quality new IPs all the time and sequels to them.ianuilliam

Like Resistance, Uncharted, and Killzone franchises, 2 of which are this generation franchises, and are improving along the way. Killzone 2 was last generation, but still relatively new, and is also improving. If thesee 3 franchises keep up the pace, they'll be AAA franchises in a few years.

Mario and Zelda are 20 year old franchises. Metroid is about 7 years. I can't believe Nintendo has nothing but these 20 year old franchises to rely on. That and a few rehashed games of AAA titles last gen.

Resistance was AA (and was reviewed before GS went to .5 increments, and scored above 8.5, so that's almost AAA). R2 was 9.0 (AAA). Uncharted was AA, Uncharted 2 was AAA. Killzone was last gen, Killzone 2 was AAA.What do you mean they'll be AAA in a few years? All three franchises already are by their second installment.

Mario is 29 years old. Zelda is 24 years old. Metroid is also 24 years old. Now personally, I have no problem with old franchises, just wanted to clear those dates up for you; your age was especially off on the Metroid series. While I appreciate clasic franchises, I do agree, however, that Nintendo's ability to come up with new IPs (other than casual/fitness junk... WiiSports, WiiPlay, WiiFit, WiiMusic, WiiEtc...) is really lacking.

Getting an AAA score once does not make it an AAA franchise. And technically. all those games have gotten it only once. GTA, Gear of War, Halo franchise etc are examples of AAA franchises. There is high enough chance that Resistance 3 and Killzone 3 may fall short of AAA next time around. I wouldn't share your confidence just yet.

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#86 Dibdibdobdobo
Member since 2008 • 6683 Posts


Eh i'm mostly just bored with nintendo. Same 3 titles over and over again just doesnt appeal to me.

If only there were more games. Oh Wait!

Those games dont exist. Its all lies.
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#87 shakmaster13
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Because they're not HD!!!OreoMilkshake

Seems like a good enough reason.

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#88 MrFanboy
Member since 2010 • 397 Posts


Eh i'm mostly just bored with nintendo. Same 3 titles over and over again just doesnt appeal to me.


If only there were more games. Oh Wait!

He probably means good games.
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#89 shawn7324
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The console & the games are just so unappealing to me that most of the time I forget it even exists.

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#90 Gangstah-Fresh
Member since 2009 • 510 Posts

[QUOTE="vashkey"] Most of which are not being published by Nintendo. remember that in the first sentence OP talks specifically about first party.Fried_Shrimp

Metroid, Mario, Zelda What does Microsoft and Sony have to compare to those three?

Uncharted, Killzone, Gears of War, Demons souls, Resistence, Braid, God of War, and a $**t load of other titles are getting released this year. You can't tell me that the Wii games are better then these ones.

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#92 Theguy56
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Like Resistance, Uncharted, and Killzone franchises, 2 of which are this generation franchises, and are improving along the way. Killzone 2 was last generation, but still relatively new, and is also improving. If thesee 3 franchises keep up the pace, they'll be AAA franchises in a few years.

Mario and Zelda are 20 year old franchises. Metroid is about 7 years. I can't believe Nintendo has nothing but these 20 year old franchises to rely on. That and a few rehashed games of AAA titles last gen.


Resistance was AA (and was reviewed before GS went to .5 increments, and scored above 8.5, so that's almost AAA). R2 was 9.0 (AAA). Uncharted was AA, Uncharted 2 was AAA. Killzone was last gen, Killzone 2 was AAA.What do you mean they'll be AAA in a few years? All three franchises already are by their second installment.

Mario is 29 years old. Zelda is 24 years old. Metroid is also 24 years old. Now personally, I have no problem with old franchises, just wanted to clear those dates up for you; your age was especially off on the Metroid series. While I appreciate clasic franchises, I do agree, however, that Nintendo's ability to come up with new IPs (other than casual/fitness junk... WiiSports, WiiPlay, WiiFit, WiiMusic, WiiEtc...) is really lacking.

Getting an AAA score once does not make it an AAA franchise. And technically. all those games have gotten it only once. GTA, Gear of War, Halo franchise etc are examples of AAA franchises. There is high enough chance that Resistance 3 and Killzone 3 may fall short of AAA next time around. I wouldn't share your confidence just yet.

So much ignorance, I really can't stand it.