[QUOTE="Zaibach"]perhaps I didnt make myself clear, rehash I meant in the same vein as good new IPs , Look at mass effect, Uncharted, Gears and so on true they dont re-write the rules but they do enogh to make the experience not feel too familiar. Making a game thats not a rehash is not necessarilly reinventing the wheel, but giving the gamer something refreshing. trying to claim ownage by using a sports game is trite. All games are rehashes in some respect, its new Ips that keep the monotony at bay. Now am not saying other consoles dont do this- Mgs, halo, However there's enough excellent new titles on the 360,ps3 and pc that werent around when vhs was all the rage. Nope you made yourself clear previously but now you are blabbering on! Pretty clear that when it comes to Nintendo its double standards for you. Metroid Prime isnt the same as Super Metroid or MO:M but aye its a rehash because it has Samus as main character. Thats called a Reboot and not a REHASH! It has familiar elements but its not the same. Please stop arguing.... If you wanan carry on i can pass you a shovel to dig yourself a little deeper lol. Fifa afterall is a REHASH which ever way you wanna attempt to argue about it but like i said "Fifa 2010 is a Rehash but looks like you brought that game so whats the differance?! Ohhh its simple that you are unable to play Wii games on your PS3. " and thats pretty much explains your fanboyism. PS: I'm off to martial arts training now. wait so am a fanboy because i think nintendo have lost thier way, and have abandoned the gamers that supported them through all those years in favour of whatever it is they are doing now? thats rich!!! I own both a 360 and ps3 and I have seen greater push in innovative gameplay and brand new Ips from the 360 alone and thats saying something gears and mass effect alone demolish the entire wii library. why is that? because ninty are too busy trying convince your grandma to to buy a vitality sensor. keep raising more points for me demolish I'm enjoying it.b Keep your shovel I'll lend you JCB so you can dig yourself yourself out of whatever tragic world youre trapped in where nintendo doesnt rely on "re-booting" the same tired old franchises over and over and over again.[QUOTE="Dibdibdobdobo"] actually im playing Final Fantasy 7 on my PSP and Prince of Persia on my 360 at the current moment in time, Not everyone can own 2 consoles and 2 handhelds. Your paying for the same game constantly just several small changes which normally is just players being transferred from club to club which could these days be done by download so yes you are paying for a rehash then complain about rehashes. Irony is such a funny thing :-)Dibdibdobdobo
furthermore and please Note this is the last time I will say this. FIFA 10 is a sports gameand the fact that sports games are judged on the merit that they are sports seems to baffle you some what. so I'll explain because youre latching on this arguing argument desperately. The way a sports game is played (football) is played will never chang so its poor argument for what you think REHASH means. heck at least the chelsea team changes faces every now and then.
have fun in martial arts training, i am dissapointed I half expected you to have purchased wii kung fu.
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