@SolidGame_basic said:
@ConanTheStoner: lol damn you and your long post. I have to keep scrolling up and down to answer reach one.
Sorry, but here we go again lol.
@SolidGame_basic said:
The Wii U had barely any games across 4 years. And yes, I owned a Wii U from the beginning.
Cool, how many games does the Switch have?
If your argument is that the Switch will eventually be much better, cool, I'm thinking and hoping for the same. But right now it's like I said. The Switch's biggest games are WiiU ports. Its biggest game around the corner is a sequel to a WiiU born IP. Its biggest game this holiday is another 3D Mario game.
Your thread is about this being Japans big come back year. Nothing on Switch right now shows us that it's any different than usual. We got a Zelda sequel, a Mario Kart port, a Splatoon sequel, and a Mario sequel on the way. Nothing wrong with any of that, but nothing new here either.
@SolidGame_basic said:
You named Bayonetta 2 like it was some redeeming factor, but it barely didn't do anything for the Wii U.
1. No, I didn't. I only listed it among a bunch of other good/great Japanese games that we've seen this gen. Had nothing to do with the WiiU or any platform in general.
2. Wait, so we're talking sales here? If so, then your broader argument is automatically defeated. A lot of these Japanese games are far from being sales monsters. If the point of your argument is sales, then no, Japanese games aren't making a come back at all. Roughly the same as always actually.
@SolidGame_basic said:
Super Mario 3D World was a lame Mario game, dude. Super Mario Odyssey is a true to form comeback for the series. This game is going to be huge, and a system seller.
Now this is slippery territory.
SM3DW is lame according to who, you? Ok.
So I can just say that every Japanese game released this year has also been lame. BAM. End of discussion.
See, I don't think overly specific personal opinion fits too much into this broader discussion man. Your topic is about Japan bouncing back. Then you're trying to downplay the already weak WiiU to prop up your argument. But SM3DW did well critically and commercially whether you like it or not. So your opinion of it being lame doesn't mean much in your own topic. I can just as easily find plenty of people who will call BotW lame. Doesn't stop it from being a hit now does it?
As for Odyssey, sure I think it will be better too. Still, that's just getting ahead of ourselves. It could very well be the worst 3d game Mario ever. We don't know. It's not out.
Even if it does end up being much better, it doesn't take away from 3D Worlds success. And if we're gonna get weird about goal posts like that, hey, WiiU had the best Mario Kart ever as well as the 2nd best Smash game ever.
See, this isn't a good argument lol.
@SolidGame_basic said:
The launch year for the Switch is already proving to be far more impressive than anything that the Wii U accomplished. And it is a big deal for Japan. Japan has gone mobile. Nintendo found a device that caters to it well.
Sure, the Switch, as a piece of hardware, is outdoing one of Nintendos worst marketed consoles ever. I'm not disagreeing with that.
But show me the software. You're arguing that Japanese games are bouncing back big time THIS YEAR. Then you've gone into this sub-argument about Switch vs WiiU. Ok, where are the games that prove your larger point? Currently I'm seeing Nintendos typical cycle. Refreshes on their big IPs and the occasional new IP. Business as usual.
It's a poor argument. Of course Zelda was coming. Of course Mario was coming. Of course Splatoon was getting a sequel. And hey, Mario Kart got ported. This is what I'm saying man. All these obvious things just happened to drop in the same calendar year, it doesn't spell a resurgence for Japan.
@SolidGame_basic said:
And when;s the last time we had a major Dragon Quest game? Metroid? Resident Evil 6 sucked. Maybe you didn't see RE7 as a return to form, but that to me was Capcom listening the fans. As for your comments about niche RPGs... Persona 5 has sold 1.5 copies already. Nioh I believe hit the 1 million mark already. With Yakuza, we got Yakuza 0 and Kiwami this year and the 6th one next year.
Last major DQ? 2012 right? Did you think DQ was actually going away? I'm not even sure what you mean by this.
Metroid? Yeah, Nintendo goes on and off through slumps with this series. What does Metroid have to do with 2017 though?
RE7? You're acting like the franchise was gone or something, they still make plenty of RE games.
In all honesty dude, I'm not even sure why you're listing sales for these other games. What is your point? I'm not the one who's pretending Japan was in a slump to begin with lol. Yes, Japanese games can do well, I'm not arguing that man.
@SolidGame_basic said:
You also have Japan's expansion to PC gaming which is unlike anything before. And that's business as usual?
Yup, as I pointed out, that's probably the biggest new thing happening with Japanese games. And it's great. Still, has it caused resurgence of Japanese games in 2017? No.
So far the only Japanese game that I know of that owes its existence to success on Steam is KoF14. That game wouldn't have happened if it weren't for SNK's Steam ports. And yes, I'd love to see more of that. Hopefully Sega/Platinum dumping games on Steam will lead to funding for more Sega/Platinum games. Would be great!
Because it seems we're getting far away from the point here. What is it specifically that makes 2017 Japans come back year? Because again, I'm not seeing a change in the industry or market. Just a bunch of devs who are happening to get their games out the door this year.
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