[QUOTE="darthogre"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="alfy13"]Earlier this week we had lot's of thread saying that Walmart and HD DVD is going to kill Blu Ray and PS3. but this link from y esterday has confused me. What do you guys think? it seems walmart has debunked the rumors . tango90101
i wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
i makes sense to deny at this point. No agreements are made and an admission could have far reaching impacts on walmart's financial goals.
remember, walmart also hid the fact they were even going to sell hdtv for a long time, until TA-DA.."now we sell hdtv".... of course they only did so once hdtv came down to a reasonable price.
once hd dvd gets to the critical price point, walmart's all over it, with cheap chinese production.
wait for it kiddies...it's coming... and there's nothing sony can do to stop it.
but, walmart won't necessarily spell the doom of bluray.. sony's pricing has already seen to that...;)
YOu seem to be guessing more than anything. It's funny, because you don't seem know anything about the industry.
That's why I find it funny in a game website people claim to have knowledge of the movie industry. It's one reason why I thought the whole thing about cheap HD players would be the doom of Blu-Ray was just ridiculous. Both are going to have cheaper hardware come 4th qtr. Wal-Mart would never declare a winner right out like people claimed....the story was bogous and so was everyone's opinion that was based on said report.
The real difference is right now Fox, Disney, and Columbia (SOE) are only making Blu-Ray movies. Universal atm is the only exclusive for HD. How exactly does that look from Wal-Marts point of view.....let's see:
This weeks boxoffice releases that came out for Blu-Ray - Night at the Museum ($234 million boxoffice), Deja Vu ($64 million), and The Queen ($50 million).
This weeks boxoffice releases that came out for HD.............
In the next few months this is what it will look like for exclusives for both sides:
BluRay - Happily Never After (16 mill), Catch and Release ($15 mill), Stomp The Yard ($61 mill), Apocalypto ($50 mill), Blood & Chocolate ($3 mill), Curse of the Golden Flower ($6 mill), The Messengers ($35 mill), Ghost Rider ($115 mill), Primeval ($10 mill), Bridge to Terabithia ($81 mill)
HD - Alpha Dog ($16 mill), Hitcher ($16 mill), Black Christmas ($16 mill), Breach ($33 mill)
Projected titles releasing from July-Aug this year exclusive:
Blu-Ray - Premonition ($47 mill), Regin Over Me ($14 mill), Hills Have Eyes 2 ($21 mill), Wild Hogs ($156 mill), Meet the Robinsons ($82 mill), Are We Done Yet ($39 mill), Perfect Stranger ($18 mill)
HD - Dead Silence ($16 mill)
So from May-June you have approx 10 exclusive BluRay boxoffice movies that have made $392 in the theather. In comparison, HD has 4 titles that did a total of $81 mill in the boxoffice. There is no comparison who will be leading in software sales in that time frame, it's a NO BRAINER.
Now lets look at the projected July-Aug releases that are exclusive.....Blu-Ray has 7 titles that did $377 mill in the boxoffice. HD has 1 title that did $16 mill. Again, BluRay will win the software sales because NEW RELEASES are what sale right now.
This is not even counting Pirates of the C. 3 and Spidey 3 being exclusive in the 4th qtr. It's insane to think Blu-Ray will lose at this moment in time. It looks more like "how can they lose". Do I say it's over, of course not but people presuming Blu-Ray is going to lose is not looking at the current facts.
1. there are NO Disney branded bluray movies out.. keep the Buena Vista ones... we're talking about the clout of the Disney name...
2. congrats on your bluray movies...too bad they weren't on hd dvd.. 4 times as many people will have watched them...;)
3. the only "current facts" you have is verbal studio support (disney) and bluray movies sales numbers including free bluray movies.
4. porn, na and eu is backing hd dvd.... yet somehow the ps3 (last place console) and Disney (with their ZERO movie support) is somehow clout enough to beat porn, na and eu? rich....:roll:
So basically your response is.....its too bad for stuidos because they could make more money on HD.....and porn will be the downfall of Blu-Ray. Wow, how may I retort to such fabulous arguements ROFL.
1) Maybe stuidos know something you don't and that is why it's exclusive to Blu-Ray......I know, I know.....them knowing more than you on their industry, how can that be?
2) First you say Wal-mart is going to decide the winner but now it's porn. If that is all you got, you must be really desperate lol. One word.....free porn on the internet. No doubt porn is huge industry but it will not decide the winner in the format war.
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