Defintions: Hardcore = Person who is willing to spend a good chunk of money on video games. They see video games as a very important hobby. Casuals = Person who is willing to spend a small amount of money on video games. They see video games as an activity.
System Wars likes to complain a lot about the "casualizations" of video games, and many of you also like to complain about the high costs of PC gaming.
But wait?! Wouldn't the increase in costs help divide up the communities and as such deter the amount of casualizations happening? How many casuals do you see go spend $600+ on a Gaming Machine? Very few, if at all.
Those complaining about casualization should also take notice that the reason why casualization is many times encouraged, is because the costs of consoles is low enough to attract those casuals. The Wii is casual heaven because it is cheap. The Xbox 360 and PS3 have HUGE casual communities because they are also cheap to get into. It only makes sense to cater games, even those that were once "hardcore-centric" games to this audience.
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