Best on XB1
Get used to it Cows like you did this gen,
Thank you MS :cool:
Watch Dogs producer Dominic Guay says it will "take a little while before we can get to the full power of those machines", in reference to PS4 and Xbox One.
Talking to NowGamer, we asked Guay what his first thoughts are on the next-gen consoles.
"We're still very much in the R&D period, that's what I call it, because the hardware is still new," Guay answered. "It's obvious to us that its going to take a little while before we can get to the full power of those machines and harness everything. But, even now we realise that both of them have comparable power, and for us thats good, but everyday it changes almost. Were pushing it and were going to continue doing that until [Watch Dogs] ship date."
He also spoke about some of the advantages next-gen power affords Watch Dogs.
"There are quite a few, obviously there are the graphics but you dont need me to tell you, but theres also everything related to the dynamism of the city," continued Guay. "For example, were able to simulate the water in full 3D, if you go on a boat the waves that form will affect other boats. Were also able to spend more time giving brains to the other people on the streets so that they can basically be smarter, and there can be more of them. Its what I call dynamism; basically, the way the city reacts to you, we are able to push further on the Xbox One."
No mention at all of the Ps4 version when speaking of the next gen version,
this suggests to me that third parties are going to give the PS4 the same shoddy treatment the PS3 got this gen, barely acknowledged and inferior versions despite being "more powerful" on paper.
In before the damage control :cool:
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