So many people give the Wii flack for shovelware. putting aside the fact that 80% of those aren't published by Nintendo, putting aside that the Kinect has even less to show for itself if we look at percentages, and putting aside all 3 multiplatform games the Wii got like the Call of Duty games. I'm curious as to how many of you have played some of these great titles that have been releaced over the last 12 months. I'm guilty of passing some of these by myself.
Reply with any games on the list you bothered to play
Super Mario Galaxy 2: 10 (Count: 4)
Fluidity: 8.5 (Count: 2)
Donkey Kong Country Returns: 8.5 (Count: 3)
Goldeneye 007: 8.5 (Count: 2)
Kirby's Epic Yarn: 8.5 (Count:2)
Metroid: Other M: 8.5 (Count: 2)
Bit Trip Runner: 8.5 (Count:2)
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor: 8.5 (Count:1 )
Monster Hunter Tri: 8.5 (Count: 3)
De Blob 2: 7.0 (Count: 0)
I'm not saying these games are for everybody. hell I would be hard pressed to select Kirby's Epic Yarn over MvC3: FTW myself. but the point is that there are plenty of good games to play. the unhealthy obsession with numbers 8.0 or above and the focus on shovelware that Nintendo isen't responsible for is just dumb when you really look at what their is. I'm not saying its sufficiant, or that it has surpassed its status as a secondary console...but there is little reason for any dust gathering
TL;DR: 7.0 is still called a "Good" game. Shovelware dosen't matter, don't buy it and the Wii is still secondary at best
PS: I will doubtless get some sheep calls. DSS_64 on PSN...last game played was MvC3. I have platinums in all three god of war titles, Tekken 6 andAssassin's Creed 2
DSS64 on XBL. Silver member who hasen't been online in awhile
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