The sad thing is that his MASTER WORK Ninja Gaiden is a blatant rip-off of the gameplay mechanics and gameplay set-up of DMC1.Hell even some of the stages in Ninja gaiden are strikingly simular to DMC1 it's obvious he copied. How so many other people failed to notice this is beyond me.
Anyone ever remember the bookcase stage in DMC1 with the crumbled stairway to a second floor( a game that released in 2001 mind you)? Ninja Gaiden has the same exact bookcase and crumbled stairway set-up after the fight with Alma (Ninja Gaiden release in 2003 or 2004). The guy is quite the clown.
No it's not. That has nothing to do with gameplay mechanic.
Sorry you missed the point then. That ISN'T the only thing I'm saying he copied but it's the most blatant and obvious that anyone could look at and say "Yeah was studying DMC1 and obviouslycompied somethings when making Ninja Gaiden for xbox"
He also copied the "touch and item and read the caption feature" also the "run on the wall mechanic", and other simular stage layouts, gameplay mechanics and stage features...you obviously wouldn't recognize them.
I didn't say he copied EVERYTHNG, but yes Itagaki did copy many of the basic elements of ninja gaiden from DMC1. Do youself a favor and go play it (DMC1) and then play NG1 (on xbox) back to back LIKE I HAVE DONE and then you won't be making the selfowning comments you're making now.
The dude copied...deal with it. Why dose this make you made? is he ur uncle or something? Or cause DMC1 was for PS2 and Ninja Gaiden was for xbox? I don't care I ownd both and the guys a duche for talking crap about someone who he copied from to create his best work.
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