Sorry you missed the point then. That ISN'T the only thing I'm saying he copied but it's the most blatant and obvious that anyone could look at and say "Yeah was studying DMC1 and obviouslycompied somethings when making Ninja Gaiden for xbox"I don't even know why you brought this up. Do you know how many games before DMC1 had this feature. It was popular among the Survival /Horror genre.He also copied the "touch and item and read the caption feature"also the run on the wall, and other simular stage obviously wouldn't recognize them.
I didn't say he copied EVERYTHNG, but yes Itagaki did copy many of the basic elements of ninja gaiden from DMC1. Do youself a favor and go play it (DMC1) and then play NG1 (on xbox) back to back LIKE I HAVE DONE and then you won't be making the selfowning comments you're making now.
I don't recall wall running in Devil May Cry 1. I'm pretty sure it was introduced in Devil May Cry 3(trickster styl).
These two games are very different:
Devil May Cryseries focused on thestyl. It built its combat system around doing insane moves. The question here wasn't "Can I kill this guy?" but rather "How can I kill this guy while keeping the meter as high as possible and looking as cool as possible?" It became a pure free styl action game.
Ninja Gaiden/Black/Sigma focused on the other side of the spectrum. It builds its combat specifically around figuring out an enemies tactic, and finding the best way to get through that. This becomes even more apparent when you go on higher difficulties, when it introduces new enemies with new abilities that render you previous tactics useless, forcing you to keep thinking of new strategies every step of the way. It focused on complex enemies, intricate strategies, and, above all, skill. Like DMC3 is the epitome of freeform combat, this is the epitome of tactical combat, and my personal favorite.
The stage being similar has nothing to do with gameplay mechanics.
The thing is you made a bold statement claiming that Ninja Gaiden is a blatant rip-off of the gameplay mechanics and gameplay set-up of DMC1 and all you have to show for itwassome ramdom stage.
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