... or not.
After all disagreeing as to what a hardcore game actually is and what it is not on these forums, some owners of a casualware filled system find solace in claiming that there is no such thing!
But I disagree. Why can't it be more of a scale? What is hardcore is usually defined as something that has depth to it. What is casual is shallow. But certain games are more shallow than others and certain games are obviously more deep than others. Also, I believe how easy it is to play factors in (casuals focus on simplicity).
So, if we were to make a scale, how would we set it up? First we need all the genre's present. Here's a loose representation of what I think it could look like:
Casual (for back of a better word: see "wii music, wii sports), Platformer, JRPG = FPS, WRPG = SRPG, Survival Horror, RTS, Adventure ... ?
What do you think? Surely some games have more of the essence of what we think of when we think "hardcore" than others. I believe that more hardcore games are generally more .. uhm .. esoteric? Anyways, post away. What do you think?
This topic is about breaking them down walls, not building them up. Don't be quick to say there's no such thing, because thats just building a wall against the idea that there is variation in games. Clearly, different games have different levels of complexity and depth. Place genres where you want to. What about deviations? Think about it. Perhaps the scale will serve to place games where they generally fall, but later on we'll be able to cla$$ify games that lie outside their genre's general position.
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