[QUOTE="Fuzzy_Munch"] The lame AM CRY:cry: Live cost $$$ is TOTAL BS. No one seems to have a problem paying $600 bones for a system and $60 a game. But it's oh no AM CRY:cry: when it come to Live.
When in truth not only does Live completely DESTROY PSN. It's in a whole nother league PSN does not even compare.
Live gives a full fledged Movies service TV Show and so on all in HD. Take that to the bank Blu-ray machine.
The Fall update just further plants it's foot right up PSN's ASS saying step of who's your DADDY!!!
Anyone who truly claims they can not or does not want to pay about .13cents a day for an online service that will knock your socks off. Then please give up gaming because your not being true to yourself as a gamer.
So it's ok to pay $50 just to browse Marketplace and only to pay even more money to the d/l movies and videos? Let me break it down.
Gold Membership:
- Online play (no dedicated servers)
- Full marketplace access
Silver Membership:
- Access to friends
- Access to messaging and chat
- Limited marketplace access
Live Marketplace a great service and the friend structure is great, but to try and justify the $50 price is nearly impossible. Why pay anything when it should be free? Yes I pay for it, but only because I can't do without online. It's one of the 360's selling points thjat should be free.
Playstation Network Details:
- Lag free (dedicated servers)
- Access to demos and content
- No movies and tv (coming soon)
- No universal friend's list (coming soon)
- No in game provate chat (coming soon)
- Music service also in the works :)
Right now the 360 does have the upper hand, but to charge for it is just retarded. It's only been a year and Sony has done a huge amount of work with PSN. Once their vision is realized it will be better than XBL.
LMAO:lol: PSN will NEVER EVER be better then Live PSN will only get better but not better then Live.
You cleary need to realize that Sony can not ever do better then the Software King MS MS specializes in this stuff. Why do you think Sony has a more reliable hardware unit. Becuase Sony is HARDWARE specialist. And MS has the best online becuase MS is SOFTWARE specialst.
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