[QUOTE="burgeg"]Brand name means nothing to me. If it did, I wouldn't have switched sides at the start of this gen! Did you not read my post? I actually did used to like the 360 more. Then PS3 stepped up and got killer exclusive after killer exclusive after killer exclusive. PS3 factually has the better library. The only thing better about the 360 is the XBLA games over PSN games. That's it. If you took the downloadable games out of the picture, the PS3's librarry stomps the 360's in just about every way. Outside of Halo, Forza and Gears the 360 has nothing at retail. Meanwhile the PS3 has TONS of killer exclusives.
But don't worry, you still have kinect :lol:
Brand name means nothing to you, yet you need to lie in favour of it, by saying PS3 has factually the better library? Doesn't make sense buddy.
Anyway, which are those TONS of exclusives you talk about? Haze? MAG? Playstation All Stars? Wonderbook? LBP Karting? Starhawk? In fact PS3, just like any other system, have good and crappy games. The only killer ones i see on PS3 are Uncharted, GoW3, GT5 and maybe Killzone. About as much as i see on 360.
Btw, you don't need to use kinect against me lol. I don't even know which system i'll get this fall.
COngratulations. You named a bunch of crappy games I would have said are crappy myself if you asked me.PS3 has killer games like the Uncharted series, the Killzone series, the Infamous series, the Littlebigplanet series(Except Karting), the Ratchet and Clank series, the God of War series, the Resistance series. The Last of Us will be another killer new ip next year. Sly 4 will be the PS3's first game in that killer series.
Now dare to tell me the 360 has even close to that many killer exclusive ip's at retail. You're saying I'm blinded by brand loyalty? At least I can name a bunch of killer retail exclusives to back up my argument. Sounds to me like you're the one blinded by brand loyalty.
Well, only a blind fanboy would say 'what does 360 has other than Gears?'.
Let me help you: Gears series, Forza series, PGR series, Kameo, Banjo N&B, Halo series, Lost Odissey, etc. Let's not even start talking about the massive amount of Xbla exclusives and 360/PC multiplats.
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