Tomorrow it's another day, the sun will rise high in the sky and the folks that need to use osX and see it's advantages will continue to use.
As for the ignorant, who cares about them? At least I tried to "enlighten" them but again this is a gaming forum.
As for those that backed up and supported my claims, a big thank you, unfortunately ignorance is a bliss.
Are you for real? Macs and osx suck for gaming compared to PCs, and you're here arguing about the benefits of Macs for some random server purpose. Even then PCs have the advantage.
Let's go back to the Mac Store again:
-Mac Pro- $3,699
2x 2.26GHz Xeon
8GB 1066MHz RAM
Radeon 4870 512MB
-Newegg PC+some- $3,696
2x 2.26GHz Xeon EP
8GB 1333MHz RAM
2x 1TB HDD
Radeon 5870 1GB
1000W Server PSU, Nice case, 22x DVD Burner, KB/M, Firewire 800 add-on card, Win7 Ultimate
Mass Effect 2 PC
Orange Box PC
Playstation 3 + MGS4
Xbox 360 + GeOW 2
Nintendo Wii + Madworld
Now you still gotta take into account the fact that you get a 5870(more powerful than crossfired 4870s) and RAID setup, while you only get a single 4870 in the Mac Pro and no RAID.
This doesn't matter here in SW though. What's really important is some random server app that you like to use. It's not like this is gaming forum.:|
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