But like I said...they have never had the opportunity to play COD on a portable platform it's suited for. You can only assume they won't be drawn to it because it has never been tested.
No, I'm assuming people won't really want it because people never really wanted a portable console on the go with the PSP. Most gamers would rather just play those types of games on the TV.
If they do something cool with cloud saving and what not I can see an advantage to owning both, but playing the Vita version over the others doesn't really make sense -- I don't really think Call of Duty is going to have as big of an impact as you're suggesting it would.
How big of an impact am I suggesting? I don't recall saying the Vita will dominate because of COD. I just don't think it can be blown off so easily with only the series' history on the Wii and DS as evidence.
Yes, you can take the PSP's performance as an indicator that people aren't interested in portable console-type games, which is valid, but the fact remains that the Vita is the first venue in which that can be properly tested for games like COD, because it's the first handheld that has real parity with a modern console's control scheme (besides the 3DS with the analog attachment)
And why must people choose between the Vita and console versions? Of course you'd rather play on a TV, but you have the Vita for when you can't do that. Keep in mind, people play these games obsessively.
One of the major problems I see with the Vita version of COD, is that the game centres around the online. The single player means nothing to people really just a bit of filler, and with the Vita being restricted to WiFi for online play that would mean people will be restricted mostly to their homes. Until WiFi hotspots become the norm everywhere portable COD is a bit useless at this point, as fans of COD already own the 360 or PS3 version. Would people rather play on the console version at home or the Vita? I would presume the console versions.
I'm sure it will do well, but nowhere near the PS3/360 numbers, and I doubt it will be a system seller.
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