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And this matters because?charizard1605Because if people continue to think this is a peripheral, one that will eventually cost around $300, it won't sell because the Wii console is pretty much dead. No one wants to buy an expensive peripheral for their dead console. Much less if one has already upgraded to a PS3 or 360. Of course, I'm talking about casual audiences mostly, which the 360 ihas pretty much stolen away from Nintendo. A fancy peripheral is not going to make them come back. Nintendo is in big trouble. It's been terrible marketing so far. Clearly, WIii U was a terrible name. They have to get it across that this is a new console.
If Jimmy Fallon thinks that, then a lot of casual gamers (the Wii and Wii U's main audience) would probably think that too. Wii U really does sound like an add-on and it will hurt sales if causals don't think of it as a new system.
he's an average schlub. It stands to reason that a lot of average schlubs will think the same.
[QUOTE="Slashless"]His idiotic audience is Wii U's main target audience.No one cares what Jimmy thinks about sh*t except his idiotic audience.
damn is quite sad to see a virgin basement dweller like atarikid wasting his time 24/7 in here hating on nintendo,butthurt as its finest.TessellationMaybe he needs to stay out of the public eye for 5 years and try to reinvent himself like Jimmy Fallon did.
Would love to know where all these crystal balls that can see in the future are being sold because a fair few people in this thread seem to have one. Stop saying that the WiiU will bomb, its become a total broken record as of late and every time Nintendo comes out smelling of roses and laughing at all the haters and there infinite amount of butt hurt.OhJayDubya
you don't need a crystal ball to make a prediction.
You're saying people should have to research new products before they buy them? Isn't it the job of the people who MAKE the product to have the consumer know what it is?Now that's doing your research!
If you're going to talk about something on tv then do your damn research. He shouldn't get a pass because he's not a gamer. Nintendo has made it pretty clear that the WiiU is a new system. Ignorance is never an excuse. If anything this makes Fallon look stupid because he has no idea what he's talking about.What you dummies who are ragging on Jimmy Fallon don't realize is a very small percentage of gamers visit gaming websites and most of the people who were / are interested in the Wii U are people who were dumb enough to buy a Wii in the first place.
So this is actually a pretty significant goof and does not help Nintendo at all.....
Yeah, I can see that a lot of people are gonna get confused cuz of the name. Nintendo gotta make things clearer than they did.
Not that I disagree with some comments on Jimmy Fallon being an airhead, but I can understand the confusion for those who don't follow these things that closely. Terrible name for starters.
This is what happens when nintendo is trying to keep banking on the success of the Wii. They could have named it Wii 2, or another name, but the goal was to make it confusing.
I'm actually agree, WiiU is a bad name, i'm still thinking Super Wii was the way to go :P
[QUOTE="WarTornRuston"]If you're going to talk about something on tv then do your damn research. He shouldn't get a pass because he's not a gamer. Nintendo has made it pretty clear that the WiiU is a new system. Ignorance is never an excuse. If anything this makes Fallon look stupid because he has no idea what he's talking about.What you dummies who are ragging on Jimmy Fallon don't realize is a very small percentage of gamers visit gaming websites and most of the people who were / are interested in the Wii U are people who were dumb enough to buy a Wii in the first place.
So this is actually a pretty significant goof and does not help Nintendo at all.....
Well, Jimmy Fallon it is indeed stupid.
[QUOTE="WarTornRuston"]If you're going to talk about something on tv then do your damn research. He shouldn't get a pass because he's not a gamer. Nintendo has made it pretty clear that the WiiU is a new system. Ignorance is never an excuse. If anything this makes Fallon look stupid because he has no idea what he's talking about.What you dummies who are ragging on Jimmy Fallon don't realize is a very small percentage of gamers visit gaming websites and most of the people who were / are interested in the Wii U are people who were dumb enough to buy a Wii in the first place.
So this is actually a pretty significant goof and does not help Nintendo at all.....
Yes, Jimmy Fallon should have done his research. The average consumer, however, is not required to do research. It's up to Nintendo to make the distinction clear. I'm not convinced they have.
This just further proves that the name Wii U was a bad idea. The general casual person wont see the difference and neither can a celebrity it seems.
It is like the PSP Go....just a new model.PSP-PSP Go.Wii-WiiU.Many they will think that it is the WiiU is just a new controller for the Wii.This just further proves that the name Wii U was a bad idea. The general casual person wont see the difference and neither can a celebrity it seems.
It's not just the name that is the issue here. It's nintendo that is constantly showing off the controller all the while ignoring the game console itself just sitting in the background like it's nothing. Apparently the control scheme is the only thing that matters here.
I believe the general public thinks the same thing
Pretty much. Its easy to say "har, har, Jimmy Fallon, who cares", but Nintendo really should have switched up the name. Nintendo is already a well recognized brand, they really don't need the Wii name to sell more consoles especially when there is already obvious confusion surrounding their new platform.
They better go all out with their advertisements this holiday if they hope to sort the confusion amongst consumers.
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]And this matters because?AtariKidX
Well lets be honest, didn't everyone think that after E3 2011? Even with Nintendo repeatedly saying it wasn't, its hard for it to not come off as a peripheral, even to gaming press and especially to the more mainstream press (like Jimmy Fallon).
Nintendo E3 helped a lot..............:lol:
Because Everyone watches E3??[QUOTE="Demonjoe93"]Because he's one of the few mainstream TV presenters who really promotes gaming, has an interest in the medium himself? This, and the fact HE thought it was an add-on doesn't bode well for the mainstream audiance of the Wii U. The confusion is going to kil sales.And we should care what he says and thinks why?
Because he's one of the few mainstream TV presenters who really promotes gaming, has an interest in the medium himself? This, and the fact HE thought it was an add-on doesn't bode well for the mainstream audiance of the Wii U. The confusion is going to kil sales. Craig Ferguson has referred to all gaming systems as Xbox since he got his show in 2005. It really doesn't matter what Fallon or Ferguson say about this type of thing. I can't understand why everyone is ignoring Fallon starting his statement with "this is a new system". He would refer to the PS4 as "the playstation" as well. It's just simpler to say.[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="Demonjoe93"]
And we should care what he says and thinks why?
Fallon is a double edged blade.....
One moment, he think's that low detail 720p footage is cutting edge, the next he thinks your new console, is a gamepad ;)
Because he's one of the few mainstream TV presenters who really promotes gaming, has an interest in the medium himself? This, and the fact HE thought it was an add-on doesn't bode well for the mainstream audiance of the Wii U. The confusion is going to kil sales.[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="Demonjoe93"]
And we should care what he says and thinks why?
I bet it's 3DS commercials all over again. "This is not DS, it's THREEE DS." Remember those?
This is probably fabricated like 99% of american TV. Didn't he also feature the Wii U in his show last year? I think he knows exactly what the Wii U is. I bet this is just a way to set up making clear what the Wii U is.
Jimmy Fallon is the consumer companies are talking about when they say stuff like, "we didn't want to call it the Xbox 2 because consumers would think it was weaker than the rival system with 3 in the title" and other stuff that assumes everyone is a blithering idiot.
[QUOTE="lundy86_4"]You're saying people should have to research new products before they buy them? Isn't it the job of the people who MAKE the product to have the consumer know what it is?Now that's doing your research!
One of the few times I agree with this idiot.
That's 2 who have said this on a national stage. Heil68
There was another? Haven't heard a single beep about this besides how Nintendo screwed up their E3 lolz.
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