European journalists are beginning to receive their Killzone 2 preview copies and one journalist is already blown away.
An Italian journalist, otherwise known as TTP on gaming forum NeoGAF, has just received his copy of Killzone 2. The full game is in his hands and he couldn't wait to express his feelings on the game so far.
"My god. Preview code looks almost like pre-alpha compared to final.
"Every minor issue I had with the game has been addressed with chirurgical precision. Almost feels like a GG dev was hidden behind the sofa taking notes at every "mmh" of mine during my preview code run.
"And there are quite a few differences in how things unfold so it feels fresh despite having played this early stages to death."
I can confirm that Guerilla Games have paid particular attention to criticisms made in the gaming press, such as ground textures, up-close textures when taking cover and the artificial intelligence. Everything has been improved for the final build.
We hope to give you our own impressions in the near future, but you won't have to wait too long yourself for the pre-release demo, or even the full game itself. For now we'll leave you with TTP's words, "Let the hype engulf you."
Everyone is hyping this can't wait to experience it for myself.
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