What? Most MMOs are extremely casual, and just filled with so much grinding that you want to vomit. Just look at WoW. It's not hard, it's just time consuming.
Which is why everyone beats every boss in wow... oh wait... and it's not even time consuming anymore :lol:
It's not difficult to finish a dungeon in an MMO.
You just need a raid group of reclusive neckbeards who are able to follow simple orders that a chimp would be able to do. For example, stand out of the fire, click the orb when it's glowing, etc. The problem is, most people aren't very bright and they just goof around, or they aren't geared well enough so they need to grind for more gold to buy more enchants, or go back and grind bosses they've already finished for armor. It's a time sink, nothing more, nothing less. The hardest thing about an MMO, is dealing with the other not-so-bright players, and that's not even gameplay related.
I just wish they IMPROVED on the AI in games like the tales series and make good use of the 360's or ps3 CPU
Gamecube AI
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Vesperia
As you can see the AI haven improved much
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