I have played and beaten almost every highly rated console FPS this gen.. From Resistance 1 and Resistance 2, Halo 3, Battlefield Bad company, All the Call of duty games this gen and in terms of Epic single player and and multiplayer Killzone 2 owns them all.. Its funny because i just played the single player again for the 2nd time and wow, i think im more impressed with this game now than i was when i first played it earlier this year.
I cant get over how jaw dropping the Graphics are.. I mean i find myself looking forward to running out of bulletts just so i can reload again because the feel and animations of reloading is just so awesome. Grant it the characters and acting arent that great but lets get real, what FPS this gen actually has good acting and a good story?
Before Killzone 2, Halo 3 was my favorite FPS but Halo 3 hasnt aged well at all to be honest.. Killzone 2 is straight aces in almost all areas aside from story. The multiplayer is just so fun and intense and the leveling system isnt noob friendly and you have to have skill to actually level up.
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