[QUOTE="finalfantasy94"][QUOTE="-Mad_Rhetoric-"] 1. this is not RE4
2. shooter controls are a nice upgrade
3. best console graphics, RE art style is a big plus as well (KZ2 is my #2 for now)
4. I frequently ran out of ammo, even wgen enemies drop ammo it is not enough
5. Heal items are rare, this is a good thing considering RE4 had herbs every 10 feet
6. Its hard, I died from the executioner once, when I was trying to hide after getting wounded he came out behind and smashed me, and the chainsaw guy killed meover and over until I figured out how to kill him
7. these 2 levels were not scary, but later levels will probably be more horror if you look at the footage from the trailers
8. Great level design, forceing you to stay alive until the doors opened while the executioner and his lackys tried to kill you was good, and the chainsaw maniac boss fight was awesomethe way you had to use the explosive barrels and attack him when he was down
9. awesome bosses, executioner and chainsaw maniac were fun, while you just had to survive the executioner you can kill him but its very difficult, the chainsaw guy is fasterand harder than the RE4 chainsaw guy (no racist pun intended)
1.Iv played the demo to and yes it is
4. I do admit ammo is a bit harder to find then RE4 only if your not looking the right place. I never ever ran out of ammo.
5. I do admit I didint see much herbs. Mainly cause I was be blinded by the sun,but there is enough herbs in the game to survive with.
6. Hard for you. I died once and that was because I was being dumb and had the game on and hearing music. So I didint notice the hammer guy coming. and if anything this chainsaw guy was dummer than RE4 chansaw guy. He just runs right pass me.
7. Iv seen the trailer and no areas scream horror. All I saw was a cave in one section. I will hold off maybe this will have better "horror atmosphere" then RE4 we will see.
9 Again Chainsaw guy was a dum dum in this game.
can i hit you? Did I get on someone bad side. Well if I knew you I would let you get the first hit,but then I would of course need to hit you back. You must think I hate this game right. The fact is I think its a really fun action shooter and will pick it up. I mean I still love the RE characters and want to see where they are going.
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