I haven't beaten every piece of content for two of the games.
Dark Souls 2 - haven't beaten all of the DLCs yet just because I don't like the game itself that much and everytime I try to get back into it I find myself wishing I was playing another game in the series instead.
Bloodborne - haven't beaten all of the Chalice Dungeons. It frustrates me how one of my favorite games this generation locks a lot of unique bosses behind a pretty boring piece of side content. Chalice dungeons are an interesting idea but they're executed poorly due to very static, predictable level design. And as you get to the later dungeons a lot of the enemy placement becomes cheap and boring. It's like the complete opposite of the brilliant main game.
Every other game though, played multiple times to full completion
As far as I'm concerned the chalice dungeons don't exist and are not part of completion for bloodborne.
Such a trash idea and hiding new bosses in that grind fest...fuq dat.
Dude, what? How are the chalice dungeons "not part of completion" in your opinion when the hardest boss in the game is within said dungeons? They are absolutely part of completing the game, which is why you need to go through them to get the platinum.
It's tedious, grindy, and an over all half-assed idea. Sorry but it doesn't count. And fuq dem for hiding legit bosses inside that randomly generated boring mess. I'm not talking about platinum trophies. In my mind, they don't count, and I completed bloodborne 100%. No other souls borne game had that trash and I hope they never try anything that dumb again.
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