Um. the advertising department for the psp is all crap right now anyways. They need to fire those jokes and hire my girlfriend :P (shes in publicity)
I mean look at marcus... as another poster previously mentioned. TERRIBLE.
Buuut Luckily sony has better advertisement heads in its ps3 department. Note how they got a guy who can so effectively rip into microsoft :P I love it.
I Love the kevin butler advertisements.
On the other hand. If you really want to compare...
I would have to argue that at least hannah montana has talent. I may not like the songs but she CAN sing. And she plays an instrument. I may not like her songs but I am forced to admit she by herself has more "talent" than a lot of the rest of the music industry combined. (i.e brittany spears, jessica simpson, evanessance, and Justin bieber combined)
What is up with the html not well formed errors?
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