What to make of this considering this was mentioned well over a year ago. Thing about the Scalebound cancellation is that the game continually missed milestones and for the most part appeared to be on Platinum's back-burner for quite a long time while they worked on other games such as Bayonetta 2, and a slew of Activision licensed shovelware like Korra, Transformers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; yeah, don't remind me if you love Transformers and found the game awesome. Also Platinum prioritized the release of Star Fox for Wii U and now Nier Automata ahead of Scalebound. Could be MS wasn't pleased about being a last consideration when they were probably willing to shell out good money for a game from them, to be put into consideration behind Korra, Transformers, and TMNT, and even on top of that Star Fox for Wii U probably put up some red flags to worry Microsoft seeing them drop the ball on a very important Nintendo IP that they were entrusted with. And seeming that Platinum's one project they're putting the most effort and attention into happens to benefit one of MS's biggest competitors in the gaming market, namely Sony with Nier Automata, it is quite a worrying mixed bag of circumstances. Why risk propping up something the developer seems to be putting no significant effort or attention into while they're out there making generic shit for Activision, or making a seemingly great game for one competitor but also dropping the ball with a big name IP like Star Fox while they're juggling too much work? I can't blame them for calling it off.
As for Phantom Dust, it's actually still set to come out, as upscaled emulation, was announced last E3. With regard to the original cancellation, I'm still convinced there's a juicy tale here not being told people have no idea about. From the looks of it, despite what people believe, I actually think the original cancelled project had absolutely no affiliation with the game's original creator, Yukio Futatsugi. After the release of Crimson Dragon, Grounding Inc / Yukio Futatsugi was actually considering remaking this game himself, was seeking crowd source funding and seeking affiliation with a western studio as he wasn't able to use any of the crowd source networks without it. I'm actually convinced somehow the Darkside Studios project had no affiliation with him and he silently got MS to pull the plug on their work with Darkside Studios, a project I think Darkside Studios started on their own initiative, or maybe one MS solicited. Either way, I feel Yukio Futatsugi didn't want the project that was his brainchild, even if in the end MS owned the IP, to be pursued through Darkside. Yukio Futatsugi might have wanted to re-release the game, but he also had other projects he'd been mulling over. He wanted to either do Panzer Dragoon remaster or possibly a Crimson Dragon RPG (like PD Saga). Last I saw from clues written years back was that he was actually working on a project for Nintendo's next system, this all taking place before rumors of NX/Switch were ever formulating. Who knows what he's working on there, but I'd love to see something either dealing with the Panzer Dragoon IP or another Crimson Dragon game if possible. Could be he worked out something with MS to allow for the release of Phantom Dust via their emulation method in exchange for licensing rights if he already didn't have them. Either way, I've a feeling the current to-be iteration of Phantom Dust is what the original creator wanted, since the current project was said to be secretly crowd funded by internal elements within Microsoft's Xbox gaming division, but kept secret until they had something to show off, before they got the green light from Microsoft. Considering the nature of how they got initial funding, I've a feeling Yukio Futatsugi worked with MS to get what he wanted done; quite different from the other narrative going around that Microsoft was stymieing the creative endeavors of its partners.
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