@sts106mat said:
@Shewgenja: thats a nice rose tinted view on the world of gaming
. I for one am glad sony pays for any old shite aswell as the big bitters like uncharted, choice is a good thing.
Thankyou to sony for feeding the homeless...and greenlighting everything......lol
you act like sony has never cancelled a game or closed a studio before.....
But you are so wrong!
Of course games get cancelled. Studios get closed. Simba's dad dies. . . It's the circle of life. But if you don't got shit, then you need to show some dedication to your fanbase and your gamers and make some shit. You can try to rub this with Sony's stank all you like and it's awfully cute watching you try because that is a clear mark of desperation that fools exactly no one.
No, this is a problem with XBox and certain sections of its fanbase that goes far beyond the cancellation of one game. You guys are not challenging Microsoft at all. So much so, forget about me for a moment, your own goddamn CEO hit twitter and told you a game cancellation was a good thing. That is the level of rube they treat you like. You don't have enough games in your "XBox exclusive" lineup to really bother me at this point. Scalebound dead and gone? That's a horrible thing for many XBox owners but apparently, it's good for some of you die-hards.
One day, it will dawn on you, though. It's not Sony's house that is on fire. Hell, Nintendo is in a better spot than XBox is if not for the sake of the 3DS and soon the Switch. Pokemon games drop and it rains money for them. What do you have? What did you have five years ago? ...ten years ago? THAT is a list that is shrinking. I have news for you. I'm not even your problem. You are your problem. As long as you rubber stamp every Phantom Dust, Fable Legends, Scalebound, as well as let tried and trues like Halo or Gears of War turn into a pale shadow of their former selves it's nothing but giggles and Schnapps for me bro.
You pray that this was a Sony fanboy problem. God, you are reaching for that brush or any other brush to paint this with, but that's why nothing has really changed. Phil took control, took credit for doing the painfully obvious, and you bought a multiplatbox on cruise control ever since. Sorry to be the messenger, but you have a 100 million dollar controller and a two-bit console with dick for exclusives. The day will come, soon, when I won't even be bothered to argue with ya'll any more. It's clear to all of us. You want nothing, you will get nothing, and you'll be the happiest little idiot in the village for all the trouble.
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