There was nothing I said that eaked of butthurt, if you wanna see buthurt go look at your post from when you found out the Xbox fell to 3rd place in WW sales. Now that was some butthurt.
oh? can you find me the post you're talking about? because my very first post in the thread was to congratulate sony on the achievement. and then i realized that the op was just trolling the weak-minded sony loyalists like you who would convince themselves of any lies they can think of just to make it seem like your precious ps3 has finally crawled out of last place.
btw, you called me a ms fanboy, and yet i've never said anything nice about ms on sw.
it's sad that you have to continuously make stuff up, about sony and about other users. i don't know how you sony loyalists ended up like this, but it sure is entertaining. :)
Your post reaks of butthurt and how is he trolling Sony loyalist whent he article headlinged every gamign website and MS didnt even respond to it , you know why? Because they know its true as they did was brag about NA sales because they got lost WW shipments which is consoles sold to retailers which is how companys track there data. There was nothing trolling about it , its a stonecold fact that you are still buthurt about and cant deal with.
the sad thing about you is that you actually started believing your own lies, and whoever points out a fact that contradicts your lies you will call them butthurt. i don't know if i can help you. :(
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