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That's why I hate Rush, it's prone to that sort of tactics. Conquest is where it's at. There's usually a healty mix of all classes.
K/D is pretty horrible in that people tend to focus more on the K/D than actually enjoying the game.
Just take it out of objective modes and it would be fine however
I usually have the biggest K/D ratio and the most points! :P I just run around the map like a mad man. Two nights ago I killed a player 3 times who was camping in the same position the duration of the round. If that was me, I'd get bored.
I usually have the biggest K/D ratio and the most points! :P I just run around the map like a mad man. Two nights ago I killed a player 3 times who was camping in the same position the duration of the round. If that was me, I'd get bored.
Good for you.
You're just bad. Keep crying. 2.3KDR + 2.7 WL.This statement blankets all possible systems, and is a hinderence to well thought out shooters.
For instance, and BF3 game that you play, you can tell the players going for K/D ratio rather than going for an actual win. When the attacking team on BF3 rush loads up half snipes, you can see half the team wanting to relax in relative safety and get some kills. However, what happens, is that team loses hard.
In COD and Halos, or other typical twitch shooters, k/d is what is played for. However, in some games, this just messes up the team balance. ( BF3 k/d is right next to 1, so I'm not the best nor worst player). I am mentioning this to see if people agree. I find team battles SO much more enjoyable when the team is working together as it should. When squads stick together and help each other out, the game is so much more nuanced and less frustrating. The people going for sheer k/d ratio in effect ruin team games such as BF3. I play BF3 with my wife, and it frustrates us both to see people with a high k/d ratio, but very few points. In BF3, when a game is over, the leaderboard is put up. Guess what gets higheston the list? Points! I wish k/d would not even be tracked so players wouldn't have to care and could play the objectives...wins>k/d in my opinion. a side note...what gives with the HUGE amount of 90+ assists (quite a few 100 assists!) BF3 has? Its ridiculous and frustrating that those don't show as you killing people! I'd like to see some kind of modified "k/d" ratio that takes into account suppresive fire, assists, kills, deaths, and maybe other factors to create a "skill" rating that you could easily see, disect, and understand, keeping people from playing mere k/d ratio and rather having them be rewarded for playing how the game was meant to be played.
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]I used to have a 1.xx K/D in halo 3 and Reach, and I can honestly say that doesn't mean anything. 1.xx is no bueno. Come to the bid boys and our 2.5+ k/d.It matters big time in most shooters nowadays, only those that suck say K/D dosent matter just sayin :P
This I hope is WELL KNOWN in by now. I can't stand how people choose objective modes in games, and then don't play them right.
If you aren't playing Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch, K/D is pointless. I play with friends to negate this as much as possible, but if it's a large scale game my friends and a lot of others on the 'net, people playing the objective modes wrong just simp;y ruin the game experience.
People prize K/D, and then guess what, the next game comes out one year later and that K/D is pointless...and you find you wasted your time boosting a stat instead of enjoying the MP as it was designed to be played.
I'm actually quite good and I'm a prolific FPS player, but sometimes I want more than a typical K/D ratio match. I want something cooperative involving teamwork to mix things up from just pointing and shooting and pointing and shooting. To do this, we have the option of playing an objective modes in these games MP. It's not because a lack of skill that people dislike this, it's because it's ruining the other game modes. In a team Deathmatch and Deathmatch scenario, K/D is fine. Have at it. Everyone is on the same page, just shoot the enemy. It's the idiots in the NON TDM/DM modes, infecting their noobiness in the objective modes that are ruining these OTHER fun game modes.
NOOBS join Objective matches to boost their K/D ratio while half the others are trying to actually do the objective as a team. The NOOBs may lose the match, but they boosted their K/D ratio in that game. It's stupid. Then a new game comes out, and all their boosting was a waste....They don't realize how pointless their solo boosting efforts are, continuing the pattern game after game after game after game after game after game.
when i play cod i really don't card if the team wins or loses. I rather get a good kd the game and break even or worst.
I completely agree with this in objective modes. Nothing is more annoying than someone who just hides on a hill going maybe 6 and 1 and does nothing for the team. If they weren't so concerned with K/D ratio they would actually contribute to an attack rather than sit back and do nothing.
And also it's why very few people actually play COD's objective modes. Most of the team isn't even going to attack because they're just concerned with having the best K/D ratio.
you remind me of the guys I've played on Mw3 where my team destroyed them in the objective while they sat back and camped a particular area and gained kills...yep your a camper. *has watched enough of your videos to see you never go out of your way to find people you lie back and wait*It matters big time in most shooters nowadays, only those that suck say K/D dosent matter just sayin :P
When console shooters started recording carreer stats in around 06/07 I called it out as being unhelpful and detrimental to how gamers played.
when COD2 released on 360 people played for fun and nobody cared about k/d or W/L but as soon carreer stats became recorded and easily seen. result was huge increase in camping, sniping, disconnecting and abuse etc. without stats people did what they wanted, now people care so much about stats that it ruins things.
This kind of comment is expected from casual CoD players like you.It matters big time in most shooters nowadays, only those that suck say K/D dosent matter just sayin :P
poor lemmings, all this talk of games must have their mouths waterryPinnacleGamingP
Seriously? I'm starting to think that you're even worse than loosingENDS. This thread has NOTHING to do with games on Xbox.
I personally don't care about K/D ratio, but I hate when I'm paired with people on a team who do.
And some of my friends who have Xboxs are COD junkies, and all they care about is K/D ratio, which really ticks me off.
I agree, I am still upset by how most shooters only seem to care about K/D, even BF3 is bad in this regard. Needs to show more team focussed stats instead of K/D (it's important but not the only important thing), unless I'm playing Team Deathmatch or whatever.SaltyMeatballsSeems like only bad players complain about KDR
ya know what the best part of all of this is? every year they release another FPS and every sees just how insignificant their stats for the last game really are...TheEroica
That's why they buy the new ones... new K/D to build up. :P
[QUOTE="PinnacleGamingP"]RROD ruins games, regardless of K/D.Jray0705Why do you keep adding stuff thats not on the topic at all. Your post are useless and you my friend are scum :lol: THEY ARE MAD GUYS THE LEMMINGS ARE MAD AND SOUTH PARK EXCLUSIVE TO 360 JUST SCORED A 3.5/10 ON GS AHAHAHAHAHA
[QUOTE="Jray0705"][QUOTE="PinnacleGamingP"]RROD ruins games, regardless of K/D.PinnacleGamingPWhy do you keep adding stuff thats not on the topic at all. Your post are useless and you my friend are scum :lol: THEY ARE MAD GUYS THE LEMMINGS ARE MAD AND SOUTH PARK EXCLUSIVE TO 360 JUST SCORED A 3.5/10 ON GS AHAHAHAHAHA so you're retarded..thanks for answering my question lol
[QUOTE="Jray0705"][QUOTE="PinnacleGamingP"]RROD ruins games, regardless of K/D.PinnacleGamingPWhy do you keep adding stuff thats not on the topic at all. Your post are useless and you my friend are scum :lol: THEY ARE MAD GUYS THE LEMMINGS ARE MAD AND SOUTH PARK EXCLUSIVE TO 360 JUST SCORED A 3.5/10 ON GS AHAHAHAHAHA LOLOLL
Yellow Dot Of Death
He keeps posting to get level 10 then create threads with this non-senseMonsieurXhe will get banned before he gets to level 10..hes just wasting his own time.
[QUOTE="Jray0705"][QUOTE="PinnacleGamingP"]RROD ruins games, regardless of K/D.PinnacleGamingPWhy do you keep adding stuff thats not on the topic at all. Your post are useless and you my friend are scum :lol: THEY ARE MAD GUYS THE LEMMINGS ARE MAD AND SOUTH PARK EXCLUSIVE TO 360 JUST SCORED A 3.5/10 ON GS AHAHAHAHAHA How am I a lemming if I only own a PS3. I'm just saying your reponses suck and your a douche
[QUOTE="jessejay420"][QUOTE="MonsieurX"]He keeps posting to get level 10 then create threads with this non-senseMonsieurXhe will get banned before he gets to level 10..hes just wasting his own time. Nah,not annoying enough to get banned he should probably find a new hobby because he sucks at this.
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