Many here are constantly pointing out that the ps3 has a piss-poor selection of games, and are saying that the ps3 has and will always have horrible sales because people will always be "waiting" for the ps3s games to come out.According to them, all the games currently in development for the ps3 will, apparently,never actually come out.
Well, this is partially true. RIGHT NOW, the ps3 has almost no games whatsoever, a $600 pricetag, and thus horrible sales. However, these games WILL eventually make there way to store shelves, and there are a hell of a lot of them in the works.
As far as games go, there is one major advantage that the ps3 has over the 360 that will help pick up it's sales tremendously over the next few years - well established franchises. Many of these franchises sold very well on the ps2, and have gathered quite a following - the majority of which i assume have yet to move on to the next generation of consoles. When the next iterations of these franchises start to come out, and people in general start to really embrace the next generation, these fanbases will probably jump to the ps3.
Here's a list of all the notable franchises from the ps2 that are still ps3 exclusive, ranked in order of average sales from highest to lowest:
Gran Turismo
Final Fantasy (the next primary installment in the series is exclusive, if nothing else)
Metal Gear Solid
Ratchet & Clank
God of War
Everybody's Golf (AKA Hot Shots Golf)
And here are other franchises that have also sold over 1 mil. each. However, the next iteration of each series is only rumored to be in the works at this time. These are also ordered by number of sales:
Jak & Daxter
Twisted Metal
Ape Escape
Sly Cooper
And then for the more hardcore of us, there is also the next game in the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus realm, from the legendary Team Ico.
With all of these great franchises in the works for the ps3, along with dozens of new IPs, including some from these same developers (Naughty Dog - J&D/Uncharted, Insomniac - R&C/Resistance), how can anyone think that the ps3 will always sell poorly, to the end of its days?
Things will pick up for the ps3, and it will begin over these next few months. The ps3 will be almost in full stride come the Fall, especially if a price drop hits before the holidays (which Sony would be mad not to do, given the current state of things).
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