Who really cares anyway..........nintendo games sucks.AtariKidX
For the record, Kid Icarus Uprising outscored Uncharted: Golden Abyss here on Gamespot. If you don't believe me, look up both games and see their scores.
And while Zelda: Skyward Sword failed to get a high score here on Gamespot, it should be noted that it currently holds a higher Metacritic score then Uncharted 3. Now, let's take a quick glace at JRPGs for a second. Tales of Graces f scored a 7.0 here on Gamespot while Xenoblade managed a 9.0, destroying one of the PS3's top JRPGs this year. And of course, let's not forget the perfect 10's that Super Mario Galaxy 2 got all over the place.
Now, let me say a few things before I get to my final point. I know you're going to dismiss me as a blind sheep who is ingorent to Nintendo's flaws. Let me cut you off by saying that I own and buy consoles from Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and even stilll have my older ones from Sega. I'm simply responding to the ignorant fanboy statement that "nintendo games suck."
Which brings me to my final point. Do you know the reason why the Vita has had so much trouble taking off? A large part of it is the high price and lack of games, but the biggest thing killing the Vita is the 3DS. Simply put, the 3DS has been getting games that people want to play, and this has allowed it to dominate the charts. Look at Japan's charts, and you'll see several 3DS games on there every week. Games like Mario, Monster Hunter(a major seller for the PSP), and Fire Emblem have helped the 3DS keep up its momentum.
Here's the facts Atari. "Those Nintendo games that noone cares about because they suck" are driving the 3DS' sales and allowing it to dominate the Vita, especially in regions like Japan.
Can the Vita turn it around? Possibly, but stop looking for more and more outlandish ways to attack Nintendo. I'm not saying their a perfect company, but they must be doing something right if the 3DS could reverse its slow start and be at a point where it dominates charts on a weekly basis.
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