Is it me, or is 'photorealistic' one of the most overused terms on GS?
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Sadly this is true. KZ2 looked great, but the controls ruined the whole experience. KZ3 can look better than Crysis, but if the controls are not up to the job, then it will be another pretty FPS with flawed controls.PS fans=graphics whores Thats all you guys talk about. Graphics are so 2001.
The world I live in is not made of shades of brown and gray
But the world the Helghast live in is
Whoah my thread was specifically marked "Consoles Only" then now I came back to it being invaded by Hermits, proudly posting their Crysis screenshots at max setting running at about 5 fps on a $700 pc. yugioh3ds
5fps on a $700 PC. Tell me you are joking. Or admit you know nothing about Crysis.
[QUOTE="yugioh3ds"]Whoah my thread was specifically marked "Consoles Only" then now I came back to it being invaded by Hermits, proudly posting their Crysis screenshots at max setting running at about 5 fps on a $700 pc. Xtasy26
5fps on a $700 PC. Tell me you are joking. Or admit you know nothing about Crysis.
Probably not judging by the wording of his post. Just another uninformed consolite making a judgment call on something he knows nothing about.Crysis again? -_- What part of CONSOLES didn't you get? Show me Crysis on a 7950 and 512MB RAM next to U2 or GOW3...Kane04lol, PS3 dont even have that amount of memory or gpu performance. The PS3 RSX is a gimped 7800GTX with the memory bandwidth of a 7600GT and has half the RoP's then a 7900 gpu which is lower then a 7800 still. Then Even when you have the "Cell" help out on post processing jobs and phyics etc only allows the PS3 tbe slightly better then a 7800GTX graphically and in performance wise at best. then you have the matter of the PS3 having a total of 512mb of usable memory which is broken up into 256mb for the system and 256mb for the video memory. Crysis alone uses more then 700mb from the system , so right there shows you that thats almost 3x the amount over what the console can store. Then lets not forget the video memory for crysis which can use 512mb for high settings and using higher resolutions then 720. This is why Crysis 2 is going to be consolized, smaller maps/level, almost all scripted events, The game is going to be to be a former shadow of itself.
Another console graphics thread ruined by hermits and their crysis pics.:evil:
Well stupid threads get the crysis pics, if you notice PC gamers never start these threads its always the cowsm the PC gamers just bring the ammunition
"Consoles Only" I said it in the title and in the post. So Hermits spend so much lonely time looking at their graphics that they forgot how to read? Running their Crysis at max settings while walking around the map with the choppy framerate squinting their eyes because of the head ache but it's all worth it for it's their imaginary lonely world. While console gamers play and chat with their friends[QUOTE="NanoMan88"][QUOTE="yanbuco2712"]
Another console graphics thread ruined by hermits and their crysis pics.:evil:
Well stupid threads get the crysis pics, if you notice PC gamers never start these threads its always the cowsm the PC gamers just bring the ammunition
"Consoles Only" I said it in the title and in the post. So Hermits spend so much lonely time looking at their graphics that they forgot how to read? Running their Crysis at max settings while walking around the map with the choppy framerate squinting their eyes because of the head ache but it's all worth it for it's their imaginary lonely world. While console gamers play and chat with their friends What happened was everyone was talking about KZ 2 isnt or is photorealistic etc then someone posted Pc isnt photorealistic at all , and thats what started it. But your wrong about maxing crysis and running choppy framerates. You dont know or in denial about what Pc hardware can do compared to the limited consoles. Anyways wedont play and chat with our friends on Pc? :lol:Whoah my thread was specifically marked "Consoles Only" then now I came back to it being invaded by Hermits, proudly posting their Crysis screenshots at max setting running at about 5 fps on a $700 pc. yugioh3ds
Nope more like running at 25-30+ on a 400-500USD PC.
[QUOTE="yugioh3ds"]Whoah my thread was specifically marked "Consoles Only" then now I came back to it being invaded by Hermits, proudly posting their Crysis screenshots at max setting running at about 5 fps on a $700 pc. Hakkai007
Nope more like running at 25-30+ on a 400-500USD PC.
Well put it this way, A $700-$800 Pc back in 2007 could play Crysis around 30 fps above 720 resolution. Now in 2010 $500 Pc can do betterthen that. And then a 2010 $700 Pc is 2-3x better then that $500 today.[QUOTE="Snagal123"]Which game do you think looks photorealisttick?It looks good but photorealistic? No, not even close.
My answer: none. KZ2 is a great looking game, as are selected games on the 360 and on the PC; however, I think we have a ways to go before we can call games "photorealistic".
[QUOTE="Hakkai007"][QUOTE="yugioh3ds"]Whoah my thread was specifically marked "Consoles Only" then now I came back to it being invaded by Hermits, proudly posting their Crysis screenshots at max setting running at about 5 fps on a $700 pc. 04dcarraher
Nope more like running at 25-30+ on a 400-500USD PC.
Well put it this way, A $700-$800 Pc back in 2007 could play Crysis around 30 fps above 720 resolution. Now in 2010 $500 Pc can do betterthen that. And then a 2010 $700 Pc is 2-3x better then that $500 today.I know the photos I posted were of my computer build playing Crysis which would cost around 400-500 today.
It was playing at 1680x1050 and the visuals are what you see.
It was 25-30+ fps.
[QUOTE="johny300"][QUOTE="Snagal123"]Which game do you think looks photorealisttick? on consoles? not much. on PC? i'd have to go with Crysis, expecially with some of the mods out there.It looks good but photorealistic? No, not even close.
With certain mods, yes, but unmodded, no. Arma 2 is far more 'photo-realistic'.
on consoles? not much. on PC? i'd have to go with Crysis, expecially with some of the mods out there.[QUOTE="clone01"][QUOTE="johny300"] Which game do you think looks photorealisttick?psn8214
With certain mods, yes, but unmodded, no. Arma 2 is far more 'photo-realistic'.
i'll have to take a look. i'm not really a PC gamer, but the capabilities and tech are always interesting to me.every type of fanboy in system wars is obsessed with graphics,exept maybe sheepPS fans=graphics whores Thats all you guys talk about. Graphics are so 2001.
Scared when a 5 year old hardware wins "Best Graphics on the Year" while you spend $600 on your PC that struggles to run your game at a steady 30 fps. Go sit at your lonely desk so you can look at PC textures all day by yourself. While I invite all my friends over playing split screen Having a fantastically fun time. Go, go back to your lonely desk Hermitsyugioh3ds
I don't play my PC at a desk :?
Mine's set up in the bedroom (where my consoles are set up) and will be in the Living Room in my new apartment this year.
[QUOTE="Xtasy26"][QUOTE="yugioh3ds"] "Consoles Only" I said it in the title and in the post. So Hermits spend so much lonely time looking at their graphics that they forgot how to read? Running their Crysis at max settings while walking around the map with the choppy framerate squinting their eyes because of the head ache but it's all worth it for it's their imaginary lonely world. While console gamers play and chat with their friendsyugioh3ds
This is why console fanboys are a JOKE. My $640 gaming rig runs Crysis at max settings. Epic comprehension fail about how Crysis works.
"While console gamers play and chat with their friends" This even more funny. :lol: This is what I love about threads like this just shows how laughably ignorant console fanboys are. It makes for a good laugh. :)
I waiting for an explaination as the how the JOKE 5 year oldhardware in the PS3 with only **cough** **cough** 256MB of graphics can do "photoreaslitc" graphics. I didn't know the RSX was made of magic. ;)
Scared when a 5 year old hardware wins "Best Graphics on the Year" while you spend $600 on your PC that struggles to run your game at a steady 30 fps. Go sit at your lonely desk so you can look at PC textures all day by yourself. While I invite all my friends over playing split screen Having a fantastically fun time. Go, go back to your lonely desk HermitsFail. Why would I be scared, PCs already have the graphics crown with Crysis, 3 years on, something that none of the consoles will ever be able to top. Not to mention the ability to play multiplats @GLORIOUS 1080P with 16X FSAA, 16X Anistrophic fitering at 60+ FPS. which the same game runs @720P on consoles JOKE hardware. LMAO, I uses to game at that rez in 90s **cough** **cough**. How are you so sure that my $600 PC struggles to run at steady 30 FPS. You have tried it? Oh wait, you haven't, just spouting off nonsense. And yes I do get silky smooth framerates at "steady 30 FPS". Goes to show how laughable console fanboys are. They really have **no clue** as to what it takes to run Crysis. Reminds me of the guy who said Crysis screenshots were **pre-rendered**. :P
[QUOTE="Xtasy26"][QUOTE="yugioh3ds"] "Consoles Only" I said it in the title and in the post. So Hermits spend so much lonely time looking at their graphics that they forgot how to read? Running their Crysis at max settings while walking around the map with the choppy framerate squinting their eyes because of the head ache but it's all worth it for it's their imaginary lonely world. While console gamers play and chat with their friendsyugioh3ds
This is why console fanboys are a JOKE. My $640 gaming rig runs Crysis at max settings. Epic comprehension fail about how Crysis works.
"While console gamers play and chat with their friends" This even more funny. :lol: This is what I love about threads like this just shows how laughably ignorant console fanboys are. It makes for a good laugh. :)
I waiting for an explaination as the how the JOKE 5 year oldhardware in the PS3 with only **cough** **cough** 256MB of graphics can do "photoreaslitc" graphics. I didn't know the RSX was made of magic. ;)
Scared when a 5 year old hardware wins "Best Graphics on the Year" while you spend $600 on your PC that struggles to run your game at a steady 30 fps. Go sit at your lonely desk so you can look at PC textures all day by yourself. While I invite all my friends over playing split screen Having a fantastically fun time. Go, go back to your lonely desk Hermits Scared that you'll finally see reason and all your hopes and dreams will come crashing down?Wow it's confirmed, Hermits have no social life. They spend tons on a pc so they can play a choppy game all by themselves, wishing their "Desk life" would be as bright and as full of people.I just want to see this thread keep on going, just for the comedy purpose. The more they talk the more they make a fool of themselves. Some of these console fanboys realy have **no clue** about the PC. :P
[QUOTE="Xtasy26"]Wow it's confirmed, Hermits have no social life. They spend tons on a pc so they can play a choppy game all by themselves, wishing their "Desk life" would be as bright and as full of people. You seem awfully defensive little guy. Did the big bad hermit get to you? For someone implying that others dont have a life you got pretty upset over what someone else said to you over the internet. :lol:I just want to see this thread keep on going, just for the comedy purpose. The more they talk the more they make a fool of themselves. Some of these console fanboys realy have **no clue** about the PC. :P
[QUOTE="Xtasy26"]Wow it's confirmed, Hermits have no social life. They spend tons on a pc so they can play a choppy game all by themselves, wishing their "Desk life" would be as bright and as full of people. Wow it's confirmed, consolites have no social life. They spend tons on a piece of outdated hardware so they can play crap looking games at substandard resolutions, wishing their couch potato life would be as bright and as full of people.I just want to see this thread keep on going, just for the comedy purpose. The more they talk the more they make a fool of themselves. Some of these console fanboys realy have **no clue** about the PC. :P
Wow it's confirmed, Hermits have no social life. They spend tons on a pc so they can play a choppy game all by themselves, wishing their "Desk life" would be as bright and as full of people.yugioh3ds
Define "tons". That would tend to mean a lot, which would make most games play quite smooth, especially Crysis nowadays. It seems you like to troll a userbase with generalizations and stereotypes. Neither of which likely carry over to the real world and applies to even a small portion of PC gamers (unless you have studies to prove otherwise).
[QUOTE="Xtasy26"][QUOTE="yugioh3ds"] "Consoles Only" I said it in the title and in the post. So Hermits spend so much lonely time looking at their graphics that they forgot how to read? Running their Crysis at max settings while walking around the map with the choppy framerate squinting their eyes because of the head ache but it's all worth it for it's their imaginary lonely world. While console gamers play and chat with their friendsyugioh3ds
This is why console fanboys are a JOKE. My $640 gaming rig runs Crysis at max settings. Epic comprehension fail about how Crysis works.
"While console gamers play and chat with their friends" This even more funny. :lol: This is what I love about threads like this just shows how laughably ignorant console fanboys are. It makes for a good laugh. :)
I waiting for an explaination as the how the JOKE 5 year oldhardware in the PS3 with only **cough** **cough** 256MB of graphics can do "photoreaslitc" graphics. I didn't know the RSX was made of magic. ;)
Scared when a 5 year old hardware wins "Best Graphics on the Year" while you spend $600 on your PC that struggles to run your game at a steady 30 fps. Go sit at your lonely desk so you can look at PC textures all day by yourself. While I invite all my friends over playing split screen Having a fantastically fun time. Go, go back to your lonely desk HermitsKillzone 2 doesn't have splitscreen.
goes off the track of your thread a lot:D
Personally, it's no big deal to me. But, the TC did state earlier that it's supposed to be a console-only thread.
There was another thread made a few days ago about photorealism in games which were more generalized. I expected that to have a flurry of pictures. Instead, I think I was one of maybe two who posted images in it. Quite surprising since it would've been a much more appropriate venue for posting showcase images....or spamming as it's sometimes called.
[QUOTE="yugioh3ds"][QUOTE="Xtasy26"]Wow it's confirmed, Hermits have no social life. They spend tons on a pc so they can play a choppy game all by themselves, wishing their "Desk life" would be as bright and as full of people. You seem awfully defensive little guy. Did the big bad hermit get to you? For someone implying that others dont have a life you got pretty upset over what someone else said to you over the internet. :lol:I just want to see this thread keep on going, just for the comedy purpose. The more they talk the more they make a fool of themselves. Some of these console fanboys realy have **no clue** about the PC. :P
Who wouldn't be mad?
I specifically wrote in the Title and in the post that this is a Console Only thread. Then I came back to it flooded by Hermit damage control. Don't you think I have the right to be mad?
You seem awfully defensive little guy. Did the big bad hermit get to you? For someone implying that others dont have a life you got pretty upset over what someone else said to you over the internet. :lol:[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"][QUOTE="yugioh3ds"] Wow it's confirmed, Hermits have no social life. They spend tons on a pc so they can play a choppy game all by themselves, wishing their "Desk life" would be as bright and as full of people.yugioh3ds
Who wouldn't be mad?
I specifically wrote in the Title and in the post that this is a Console Only thread. Then I came back to it flooded by Hermit damage control. Don't you think I have the right to be mad?
if this was console wars and hermits invaded a forum where they don't belong sure.
but you're in System wars.
[QUOTE="yugioh3ds"][QUOTE="Xtasy26"]Wow it's confirmed, Hermits have no social life. They spend tons on a pc so they can play a choppy game all by themselves, wishing their "Desk life" would be as bright and as full of people. Wow it's confirmed, consolites have no social life. They spend tons on a piece of outdated hardware so they can play crap looking games at substandard resolutions, wishing their couch potato life would be as bright and as full of people.I just want to see this thread keep on going, just for the comedy purpose. The more they talk the more they make a fool of themselves. Some of these console fanboys realy have **no clue** about the PC. :P
Consoles support more than one controller, so we play with friends.
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